111. Software Requirement Specifications Document (SRSD) does not include which of the following ?
(1) Algorithms for Software Implementation
(2) Non-Functional Requirements
(3) Functional Requirements
(4) Goals of Implementation
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112. Which Key combination can be used in MS-Word to maximize or restore a selected active window?
(1) Ctrl + F7
(2) Ctrl + F8
(3) Ctrl + F9
(4) Ctrl + F10
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113. EBCDIC stands for :
(1) Extended Binary Coded Decimal Interchange Code
(2) Extended Bit Code Decimal Interconversion Code
(3) Extended Bit Case Decimal Interconversion Code
(4) Extended Binary Case Decimal Interchange Code
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114. In the context of computers and internet, choose the odd one out from the following:
(1) Code Red
(2) Melissa
(4) Comodo
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115. In MS-Excel what do we drag or double-click for adjustment of the width of a column ?
(1) Cell pointer
(2) Column marker
(3) Fill handle
(4) Formula bar
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116. (929.19)10 = ?
(1) (1640.41)8
(2) (1641.141)8
(3) (1632.141)8
(4) (1543.34)8
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117. Which of the following is not one of PowerPoint’s views ?
(1) Slide show view
(2) Slide view
(3) Presentation view
(4) Outline view
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118. Which of the following command interface is normally used for windows operating system?
(1) Menu driven interface
(2) Command line interface
(3) Graphical user interface
(4) Icon interface
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119. In MS Excel, fine-tuning an input value to acquire precise outcome is called :
(1) Goal seek
(2) Charting
(3) Sorting
(4) Validation
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120. Which is the component of Microsoft Windows that provides the ability to view and change system settings?
(1) Control panel
(2) Start button
(3) Windows Powershell
(4) Command prompt
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121. Which one of the following is the most important quality of a good computer teacher ?
(1) Punctuality
(2) Accepting that computer field is so vast that nobody can have complete or perfect knowledge
(3) Content mastery
(4) Sociable
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122. In C program, what is the right syntax to access value of structure variable book {price, page}?
(1) printf(“%d%d”, book.price, book.page);
(2) printf(“%d%d”, price.book, page.book);
(3) printf(“%d%d”, price::book, page :: book);
(4) printf(“%d%d”, price->book, page->book);
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123. In DBMS when a transaction completes its execution it is said to be :
(1) Saved
(2) Loaded
(3) Rolled
(4) Committed
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124. What is the right approach to deal with student errors in computer programming?
(1) There should be zero errors even at stage I.
(2) Having errors means Studene does not know programming.
(3) Errors are part of a programmer’s daily life.
(4) Should scold the student whenever there is an error.
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125. Which of the following terms is used to represent “a set of rules” in computer networks?
(1) Resource locator
(2) Protocol
(3) Domain
(4) URL
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126. Which of the following refers to the correctness and completeness of the data in a database ?
(1) Data security
(2) Data integrity
(3) Data constraint
(4) Data independence
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127. Which of the following is the best description of the word internet?
(1) a personal communication system
(2) a corporate communication system
(3) Indian Government communication system
(4) a large network of networks
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128. In context of C++, which of the following is valid statement ?
(1) Friend function of class is always a member function of that class.
(2) Value of static data member cannot be manipulated once assigned.
(3) Static data member of a class can be accessed only by static member function of that class.
(4) Keywords private, protected and public may appear in any order and any number of times in a class.
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129. Who is the founder of Facebook social networking website ?
(1) Bill Gates
(2) Mark Zuckerberg
(3) Martin Cooper
(4) Orkut Buyukkokten
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130. What is ACID properties of DBMS Transactions ?
(1) Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, Database
(2) Atomicity, Consistency, U Isolation, Durability
(3) Atomicity, Consistency, Inconsistent, Durability
(4) Automatically. Concurrency, Isolation, Durability
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