HPSSC Clerk (Post Code 803) Exam 2020 Answer Key

HPSSC Clerk (Post Code 803) Exam 27 Dec 2020 (Answer Key)

Directions (Q. 141 to 145) : Choose the word out of the four alternatives A, B, C & D which is opposite in meaning to the given word. 

141. Parallel
(A) Divergent
(B) Curved
(C) Random
(D) Wavy

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Answer – (A)

142. Morbid
(A) Healthy
(B) Clever
(C) Upright
(D) Sickly

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Answer – (A)

143. Harmony
(A) Hatred
(B) Friction
(C) Discord
(D) Enmity

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Answer – (C)

144. Illegible
(A) Clear
(B) Imitable
(C) Clean
(D) Readable

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Answer – (A)

145. Exodus
(A) Restoration
(B) Return
(C) Home-coming
(D) Influx

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Answer – (B)

Directions (Q. 146 to 150): Choose the most suitable “one word” out of the four alternatives A, B, C and D which can be substituted for the given words/expressions 

146. Custom of having many wives
(A) Monogamy
(B) Bigamy
(C) Polygamy
(D) Matrimony

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Answer – (C)

147. A disease which spreads by contact
(A) Infectious
(B) Contagious 
(C) Contiguous
(D) Contextual

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Answer – (B)

148. A sudden rush of wind
(A) Gale
(B) Typhoon
(C) Gust
(D) Storm

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Answer – (B)

149. A person very hard to please
(A) Obstinate
(B) Unconquerable
(C) Fastidious
(D) Invincible

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Answer – (C)

150. A person working in the same place with another
(A) Comrade
(B) Colleague
(C) Assistant
(D) Contemporary

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Answer – (B)

निर्देश (प्र. 151 से 155) : शुद्ध शब्द चुनिए

(A) परिवर्तन

(B) परीवर्तन
(C) परिवरतन
(D) परीवरतन

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Answer – (A)

(A) संसारिक

(B) सांसारिक
(C) संसारीक
(D) सांसारीक

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Answer – (B)

(A) उथान

(B) ऊथान
(C) उत्थान
(D) उतथान

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Answer – (C)

(A) समसामयीक

(B) समसमायीक
(C) समसमायिक
(D) समसामयिक

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Answer – (C)

(A) नियुक्ति

(B) नियूक्ति
(C) नियुक्ती
(D) नियुक्ती

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Answer – (A)

निर्देश (प्र. 156 से 160) : सही अर्थ चुनिए 

156. Manifesto
(A) घोषणा-पत्र
(B) निवारक
(C) निर्णीत
(D) निर्देशिनी

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Answer – (A)

157. Prejudice
(A) निष्कास
(B) पारपत्र
(C) पक्षपात
(D) पदाति

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Answer – (C)

158. Ledger
(A) बहीखाता
(B) बंधक
(C) मुहर
(D) रोकड़ बही

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Answer – (A)

159. Resolution
(A) संविभाग
(B) संकल्प
(C) सहमति
(D) संस्तुति

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Answer – (B)

160. Assembly
(A) समवाय
(B) समुदाय
(C) स्थानीय निकाय
(D) सभा

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Answer – (D)

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