Directions : Answer questions (Q. Nos. 16 to 30) by selecting the following the correct/most appropriate options.
16. The study of meaning in a language is known as –
(1) syntax
(2) semantics
(3) morphology
(4) linguistics
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17. The teacher tells a story about animals. Children make animal noises every time they hear the name of the animal. It is –
(1) total physical response
(2) communicative language teaching
(3) grammar translation
(4) reading approach
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18. Any of a wide variety of exercises, activities or devices used in the for realizing language classroom lesson objectives is known as-
(1) method
(2) technique
(3) syllabus
(4) approach
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19. A test which is administered at the end of a language course for remedial teaching is
(1) diagnostic test
(2) placement test
(3) achievement test
(4) memory test
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20. The practice of grammatical structures in a controlled manner can be done by –
(1) correcting wrong sentences produced by learners
(2) gap-filling grammar exercises
(3) writing paragraphs and essays
(4) explaining the use of particular structures
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21. “In the backyard, the dog barked and howled at the cat” is an example of –
(1) simple sentence
(2) sentence fragment
(3) complex sentence
(4) complex compound sentence
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22. Which one of the following methods of teaching cannot be used interchangeably with each other?
(1) Reference method
(2) Incidental method
(3) Direct method
(4) Correlative method
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23. Which one of the following statements is true?
(1) All formative tasks are meant for assessment.
(2) Assignments need to be given as classwork followed by homework everyday to provide variety and practice.
(3)Formative assessment, to be effective, must be conducted only after teaching a lesson.
(4) While all formative tasks are meant for improving teaching learning, some are used for assessment too.
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24. Mother tongue influence can be effectively minimized in the classroom by –
(1) using the mother tongue more often
(2) giving examples from the mother tongue
(3) giving a lot of exposure in the target language
(4) giving inputs from the target language in a simple, graded manner
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25. Which one of the following sentences is a result of error arising out of translation from our language to another?
(1) The teacher is giving examination
(2) The students are giving their examination.
(3) My joy knew no bounds.
(4) Are you going by the train?
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26. Reading skill can be developed best by –
(1) writing answers to questions on text
(2) focusing on the use of words from context in the text
(3) doing vocabulary exercises
(4) doing quizzes and playing word games
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27. Who would be the implementer of education?
(1) Teacher
(2) Education Department
(3) Student
(4) Curriculum
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28. A listening stimulus –
(1) presents input to separate groups of students who gather again to share it
(2) is listening to a good commentary to review it
(3) enables students to discuss a set of criteria that they prioritize to complete and present a task
(4) presents an information gap activity such as giving directions
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29. If a language teacher has taught a topic in the class and no student asks questions in her class, then may be –
(1) students are not paying attention
(2) she had been an excellent teacher
(3) whatever was taught was beyond the comprehension of the students
(4) all the students are at a higher level of learning
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30. The founder of Structural Grammar was –
(1) Newfield
(2) Chapman
(3) Chomsky
(4) Fries
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Read Also …
30. The founder of structural grammar was..
I think, it is miss print..
Answer (3)
‘Noam Chomsky’
Yes Answer Should be – “Noam Chomsky”
But in The Question Paper the option only ‘Chomsky’
What’s the difference.
27. Ctet answerd Cariculam is the implementer of education