Directions: In this section each item consists of six sentences of a passage. The first and sixth sentences are given in the beginning as S1 and S6. The middle four sentences in each have been jumbled up and labelled as P, Q, R and S. You are required to find the proper sequence of the four sentences and mark your response accordingly on the answer sheet.
S1: Mutations are random changes to the base sequence of genes.
S6: Several mutations must occur in the same cell for it to become a tumour cell.
P: This is why mutations in them can result in uncontrolled cell division and therefore tumour formation.
Q: The few genes that can become cancer-causing after mutating are known as oncogenes.
R: Most genes do not cause cancer if they mutate.
S: In a normal cell oncogenes are involved in the control of cell cycle and cell division.
(a) RQSP
(b) QRSP
(c) QSRP
(d) RPQS
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S1: For most people, writing is an everyday occurrence.
S6: Nearly all the document types that we use in our daily lives can be created in a word processor.
P: A word processing software provides a general set of tools for entering, editing and formatting text.
Q: Many application programs have been developed to make writing easier and smooth operation.
R: One such most popular program is Word Processor.
S: When computers have affected our life styles and work patterns, this activity is also not left out.
(a) SRQP
(b) SPQR
(c) SQRP
(d) SPRQ
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S1: Social networking is the grouping of individuals into specific groups, like small rural communities or a neighbourhood subdivision etc.
S6: Depending on the social networking website, many of these online community members share a common interest such as hobbies, religion, or politics.
P: Although social networking is possible in person, especially in universities, high schools or in the workplace, it is most popular online.
Q: When it comes to online social networking, websites are com- monly used.
R: These websites are known as social sites.
S: Social networking websites func- tion like an online community of Internet users.
(a) PQRS
(b) PRQS
(c) PRSQ
(d) SPQR
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S1: The principles of enterprise capitalism have been extended far beyond the USA through the impact of economic globalisation.
S6: Such pressures have helped to shape what is sometimes called the ‘new’ political economy.
P: Strong downward pressure has also been exerted on public spending, and particularly welfare budgets.
Q: Moreover the need to promote product and labour flexibility has often led to trade union activity.
R: Globalisation has promoted mar ketisation in a variety of ways.
S: Governments reduce tax levels in the hope of attracting ‘inward’ investment.
(a) PQSR
(b) SPQR
(c) RPQS
(d) RSPQ
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S1: Traditional songs and music form the identity of the tribal culture.
S6: These tribal songs, on one hand, glorified their hero and on the other, inspired their fellow tribes- man to participate in the freedom struggle.
P: The tribal area of Chhatisgarh always resonated with the sound of traditional tribal songs and music.
Q: They reflect tribals’ natural spirit, unconditional love, and innate energy at every stage of their life.
R: Initially, the tribal songs in their dialects, reverberated with the rebellion of their area, and then with the movement that was prevalent in the country.
S: The forest areas and tribal settlements of Chhatisgarh, began the revolt against the British at the very beginning of the freedom struggle, much before the urban areas.
(a) QPSR
(b) QRSP
(c) SPRQ
(d) SPQR
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S1: The social group wider than the family in the social structure of the Gond community is the clan..
S6: It is only the male who automati- cally takes the patronymic on birth, preserves it till death and it is carried forward by his children.
P: The members of the clan believed that they have been descended from a common ancestor.
Q: The clan among the Gonds is a unilateral group consisted of family members of which bear the same clan-name.
R: The clan being patrilineal – a man passes on his clan name to his children
S: The Gonds use the term ‘Pari’ to express their group.
(a) RPQS
(b) SQPR
(c) SPQR
(d) PSRQ
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S1: The equatorial zone is generally an area of abundant precipitation (over 200 centimetres annually).
S6: It is to be noted that a larger part of the precipitation in this region falls as heavy intermittent convec- tive showers accompanied by thunder and lightning.
P: The ascending air currents become intensified locally in the tropical storms that produce abundant precipitation in the Caribbean, the southwest Pacific Ocean, the Indian Ocean and the China Sea.
Q: Over the land areas, most of the precipitation occurs from the thunderstorms that are very frequent and active in the equatorial regions.
R: This high level of precipitation is due to the equatorial belt’s high temperature, high humidity and highly unstable air.
S: The trade winds from both the hemispheres converge and give rise to a general upward motion of air.
(a) RQPS
(b) RSPQ
(c) SPQR
(d) RQSP
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S1: The period branded as the era of the Industrial Revolution was essentially a period of transforma- tion.
S6: This wage was however, not enough to keep the worker pro- perly clothed or fed and thus, the Industrial Revolution could not solve the problem of distribution.
P: A definite polarisation of indus- trial society between two main classes – capitalists and workers was visible.
Q: It marked the beginning of the final phase of the broader trans- formation from feudalism to capitalism and capitalism made its presence felt all over the Europe.
R: Actual production in the factories was done by the workers but the workers had very little and so for survival, they were required to continuously sell this labour power for wages.
S: In the capitalist mode of produc- tion the factories and heavy machineries were owned and controlled by the capitalist class.
(a) QRSP
(b) PRSQ
(c) QSPR
(d) PSQR
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S1: There exists a close relation- ship between meteorology and climatology.
S6: First, the meteorological aspect of this discipline examines the process of gain and loss of heat energy by the air layer near the ground, keeping in view the fact that the basic principles apply at any place on the globe. Second, climatological aspect of the discipline examines the global pattern of thermal environment.
P: In other words, it is concerned with the study of the characteristics and behaviour of the atmosphere.
Q: The function of climatology is two-fold.
R: Climatology, on the other hand, is concerned with the discussion of the component elements of climate as well as the factors which deter- mine and control its distribution.
S: Meteorology, the physics of the lower atmosphere, studies the individual phenomenon of the atmosphere.
(a) SPRQ
(b) SQPR
(c) RSQP
(d) RSPQ
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S1: Europe was going through a political, social, economic, and cultural transformation in the eighteenth century.
S6: Great Britain emerged victorious in the contest for colonial supremacy in Europe and from that moment Britain concentrated more on her colonial possessions.
P: Thereafter, the European continent had been free from bloody conflicts for about three decades.
Q: This century saw far reaching changes which were to leave behind an enduring legacy.
R: However, the Treaty of Paris could not bring peace to Europe forever.
S: The Treaty of Paris (1763) brought an end to the Seven Years War.
(a) QRSP
(b) QSPR
(c) SPQR
(d) SQ PR
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Directions: Each item in this section consists of sentences with an underlined word followed by four words or group of words. Select the option that is opposite in meaning to the underlined word and mark your response on the answer sheet accordingly.
71. American Independence was a great blow to the invincible image of Great Britain.
(a) vulnerable
(b) impregnable
(c) unbeatable
(d) insurmountable
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72. The first step in precipitation is condensation.
(a) constriction
(b) abridgement
(c) recapitulation
(d) evaporation
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73. This ushered in a large-scale social, economic, and political transformation.
(a) led
(b) conducted
(c) obstructed
(d) directed
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74. The writer obfuscated the real issue with small details.
(a) mystified
(b) obscured
(c) illuminated
(d) muddled
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75. The horror and abomination of the system of Sati in India was condemned thoroughly.
(a) abhorrence
(b) termination
(c) adoration
(d) detestation
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76. He was rebuked for his infraction of the discipline.
(a) transgression
(b) observance
(c) breach
(d) acceptance
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77. It is the general reaction of some people to denounce any new proposal by enthusiastic professionals.
(a) criticise
(b) censure
(c) comment
(d) appreciate
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78. The emperor as a centralised entity indisputably went beyond regional conflicts and fostered a certain mode of elite culture.
(a) cultivated
(b) endorsed
(c) suppressed
(d) incubated
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79. For the aspiring East India Company that looked at every opportunity for expansion and self-aggrandisement, the century had to be projected as one of instability.
(a) humility
(b) exaggeration
(c) upliftment
(d) elevation
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80. There was a combination of agrarian colonising tendencies with the assertion of local landlord power that was able to assimilate pioneer peasants.
(a) insistence
(b) averment
(c) statement
(d) denial
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