UPTET Exam 23 Jan 2022 Paper 1, Part – III (Language II – English) Answer Key

UPTET Exam 23 Jan 2022 Paper 1, Part – III (Language II – English) Official Answer Key

76. Who are the earliest known inhabitants of Antarctica ?
(1) American Scientists
(2) It is has always
(3) Dinosaurs
(4) Indian Scientists

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Answer – (3)

77. Which of the following words is an Adverb ?
(1) Apace
(2) Fury
(3) Meek
(4) Face

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Answer – (1)

78. Fill in the blank with suitable Pronoun: My son and my daughter are very fond of ______ .
(1) herself
(2) himself
(3) themselves
(4) each other

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Answer – (4)

79. Which of the following is an example of Metaphor ?
(1) He is a big donkey.
(2) My heart leaps up when I behold a rainbow in the sky.
(3) The bitter-sweet memories of childhood are a source of great pleasure.
(4) The face of the child is as soft as the petals of a rose.

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Answer – (1)

80. Choose the correct option:
Study of population is known as
(1) Ecology
(2) Genealogy
(3) Demography
(4) Astronomy

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81. Transform the following into a Direct sentence :
‘I asked Sheela if I might know her father’.
(1) I said to Sheela, “May I know your father?”
(2) I questioned Sheela, “Will I know your father?”
(3) I asked Sheela, “Can I know your father ?”
(4) I told Sheela, “May I know your father?”

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Answer – (1)

82. The idiom ‘To ring one’s own bell’ means
(1) to think properly
(2) to indulge in self praise
(3) to commit a theft
(4) to be one’s publicity agent

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Answer – (4)

Direction – Read the passage below and answer the questions that follow (Q. No. 83 to 90) by selecting the most appropriate option:

The children of M. G. Vidyalaya, had a wonderful time yesterday. They were captivated by the speed, agility and showmanship of magician, Kim Rathod. The children watched him spell-bound for two hours. All that broke the silence was a gasp of astonishment or the sound of spontaneous applause, appreciating a trick. Out of his magic wand came flowers, ribbons and garlands of every possible colour and seemingly unending length. It came in such quick succession that everyone was left gasping. One or two young children came up to examine the thin stick wondering how it could hold so much. They were really frustrated. As if that was not magical enough he made a rabbit pop out of an empty wooden box. It went hopping around the stage. It was soon put back into the box and seconds later, he pulled out a rat, soft, white and squeaking. The little ones seemed a little frightened by this, while the others clapped and cheered loudly. This was the grand finale.

The children did not want it to end. They shouted ‘encore’, ‘once more’. But Kim gave them a bright smile and vanished from the scene. The children were left searching here and there for him. Then they walked out excitedly recounting what they had seen and how wonderful it was. One of the boys Ravi declared loudly, it was the best magic show of the century

83. What does ‘encore’ mean?
(1) Never
(2) Now
(3) Once more
(4) Try

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84. What did Kim do in the end ?
(1) Performed the act once again
(2) Sat down
(3) Never performed the trick
(4) Smiled and disappeared

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85. What does ‘Century’ denote?
(1) A period of one year
(2) A period of hundred years
(3) A period of fifty years
(4) A period of ten years

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Answer – (2)

86. What is the magician’s name?
(1) M. G. Vidyalaya
(2) Kiran Rathod
(3) Kim Rathod
(4) Ravi

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Answer – (3)

87. What is the meaning of ‘captivated’ ?
(1) Astonished
(2) Angered
(3) Arrested
(4) Honoured

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88. What is the meaning of ‘spontaneous’?
(1) Happening suddenly
(2) Continuous
(3) Never
(4) Always

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89. What is a ‘Wand’?
(1) Stick
(2) Box
(3) Hat
(4) Cloth

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90. What is the meaning of ‘hopping’?
(1) Running
(2) Singing
(3) Standing
(4) Jumping

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Answer – (4)


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