CDS (II) 2023 Answer Key

CDS (II) Exam Paper (English) 03 September 2023 (Answer Key)


संघ लोक सेवा आयोग UPSC (Union Public Service Commission) द्वारा आयोजित CDS – (Combined Defence Services) Exam (II) – 2023 की परीक्षा दिनांक 03 सितम्बर, 2023 को सम्पन्न हुई। इस परीक्षा का अंग्रेजी (English) का प्रश्नपत्र उत्तर कुंजी (Exam Paper With Answer Key) सहित यहाँ पर उपलब्ध है।

UPSC (Union Public Service Commission) conducted the CDS (Combined Defence Services) II Exam – 2023. CDS II 2023 Paper held on 03 September, 2023. This paper is English Section. UPSC CDS (II) 2023 English Paper Answer Key available here.

UPSC CDS (I) Exam – 16 April 2023 Paper (General Knowledge) (Answer Key)
UPSC CDS (II) 2023
Organized by  UPSC
Subject  English
Date of Exam  03rd September, 2023
Paper SET
Number of Question  120

UPSC CDS (II) 2023 Exam Paper (Answer Key)
Subject – English


Directions : Each item in this section has a sentence with three underlined parts labelled as (a), (b) and (c). Read each sentence to find out whether there is any error in any underlined part and indicate your response on the answer sheet against the corresponding letter, i.e., (a) or (b) or (c). If you find no error, your response should be indicated as (d).

(a) You should
(b) read the newspaper regularly
(c) to be update with current affairs.
(d) No error

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Answer – (C)

(a) Our grandparents
(b) will be visited
(c) by us this weekend.
(d) No error

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Answer – (D)

(a) However, the task is from done,
(b) particularly in ensuring equity in
(c) the distribution of quality education.
(d) No error

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Answer – (A)

(a) Looking ahead, the university
(b) is expunging revenue generation
(c) opportunities to add more facilities for students and staff.
(d) No error

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Answer – (B)

(a) If you are interested in
(b) applying for the job, your application
(c) must received by Friday.
(d) No error

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Answer – (C)

(a) Perhaps the biggest threat today
(b) is the impact of climate change on food
(c) systems and livelihoods of poor farmers.
(d) No error

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Answer – (C)

(a) In such a volatile global environment,
(b) it is heartening that India
(c) demonstrated admirable resilence and achieved robust recovery.
(d) No error

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Answer – (C)

(a) Write an email to your friend
(b) expressing you regret for not being able
(c) to attend his birthday party.
(d) No error

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Answer – (B)

(a) Migrating elephant herds appear like
(b) West Bengal so much that they spend more
(c) time here than in the neighbouring states from where they cross over.
(d) No error

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Answer – (A)

(a) Trucked neatly under the pile of clothes
(b) in the cupboard are the letters written
(c) by my mother to my father thirty years ago.
(d) No error

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Answer – (A)


Directions: Each item in this section consists of a sentence with an underlined word followed by four words/group of words. Select the option that is nearest in meaning to the underlined word and mark your response on the answer sheet accordingly.

11. His views on the matter are utopian.
(a) realistic
(b) ideal
(c) practicable
(d) materialistic

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Answer – (B)

12. The shortage of funds will render nugatory the implementation of reform policies.
(a) explicit
(b) implicit
(c) ineffectual
(d) composite

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Answer – (C)

13. He first convulsed and then collapsed on the floor.
(a) shivered
(b) crouched
(c) shouted
(d) cried

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Answer – (A)

14. We must not become complacent about the progress of the technology.
(a) discontented
(b) contented
(c) ignorant
(d) unsure

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Answer – (B)

15. The employees rejected the derisory pay offer.
(a) partial
(b) full
(c) derogatory
(d) inadequate

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Answer – (D)

16. They successfully defused the situation.
(a) mitigated
(b) mediated
(c) activated
(d) narrated

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Answer – (A)

17. The business floundered during the pandemic.
(a) faced many problems
(b) glided through
(c) floated through
(d) succeeded

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Answer – (A)

18. His speeches were models of brevity.
(a) lengthiness
(b) concision
(c) permanence
(d) exemplary

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Answer – (B)

19. He was too obtuse to understand the merits of the case.
(a) sensitive
(b) careful
(c) quick witted
(d) dull

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Answer – (D)

20. No one knew what transpired during the meeting.
(a) emerged
(b) exchanged
(c) was spoken
(d) merged

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Answer – (B)

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