SSC CPO Exam 2022 Answer Key

SSC CPO Examination 10 Nov 2022 (Second Shift) Answer Key

Section : English Comprehension

1. Select the option that can be used as a one-word substitute for the given group of words.
Person living at the same time
1. Connoisseur
2. Cosmopolitan
3. Coquette
4. Contemporary

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Answer – (4)

2. Select the most appropriate option that can substitute the underlined segment in the given sentence.
I am sure you can win the match if you try hardly.
1. if you trying hard
2. if you are trying hardly
3. if you try hard
4. if you will try hardly

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Answer – (3)

3. Select the most appropriate meaning of the given idiom.
1. A person who thinks he is of a high social class and looks down on people of lower class 
2. A person who seems impolite/of low education at first, but who is usually of good character
3. A solid, respectable and respected member of society 
4. Continue to live at the same social standard we have lived at, even though we have money problems

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Answer – (1)

4. The following sentence has been split into four segments. Identify the segment that contains a grammatical error.
As is usual with stories of this genre, / in spite of their varying socio political realities, / the youngsters have fallen in love / with each other madly.
1. with each other madly
2. the youngsters have fallen in love
3. in spite of their varying socio political realities
4. As is usual with stories of this genre

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5. Select the INCORRECTLY spelt word.
1. Alimentery 
2. Elementary 
3. Illiterate 
4. Alliterate 

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6. Read the given sentence and select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the word ‘Sane’ from the following options.
We started the day by going on a crazy ride, then we had a delicious lunch and then beautiful sightseeing to end the evening.
1. delicious
2. end
3. crazy
4. beautiful

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Answer – (3)

7. Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the given word.
1. Rough
2. Stationary
3. Faint
4. Regular

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8 Identify the sentence that correctly uses the indefinite article.
1. In big city like Mumbai, we see a lot of rubbish being thrown from households and factories.
2. In a big city like Mumbai, we see a lot of rubbish being thrown from households and factories.
3. In a big city like Mumbai, we see an lot of rubbish being thrown from households and factories.
4. In an big city like Mumbai, we see lot of rubbish being thrown from households and factories.

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Answer – (2)

9. Select the most appropriate option that can substitute the underlined segment in the given sentence.
She has let herself be gone after her divorce.
1. let her go in
2. let herself go
3. let herself gone
4. let herself going

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10. Select the most appropriate meaning of the underlined idiom.
He is in high spirits today.
1. Disturbed
2. Cheerful
3. Annoying
4. Drunk

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11. Select the option that will improve the underlined part of the given sentence. In case no improvement is needed, select ‘No improvement required’.
What exactly is your problem with me?
1. No improvement required
2. finally is your
3. entirely is your
4. definitely is your

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Answer – (1)

12. Select the most appropriate synonym of the given word.
1. Perplexed
2. Proven
3. Unusual
4. Customary

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13. Select the most appropriate meaning of the underlined idiom.
In the movie ‘Encanto’, the family thought Bruno was a black sheep.
1. Disgrace for the family
2. Unrelated to the family
3. Danger to the family
4. Unloved by the family

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Answer – (1)

14. Read the given sentence and select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the word ‘Dilemma’ from the following options.
The solutions given for the frequently asked questions were written so poorly that the buyers disliked the products.
1. disliked
2. solution
3. frequently
4. poorly

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Answer – (2)

15. Substitute one word for the italicised expression.
When her teacher calls her a person who cannot be corrected, she laughs at herself.
1. manageable
2. reformable
3. obedient
4. incorrigible

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16. Select the most appropriate meaning of the given idiom.
A slap on the wrist
1. Suggest something secretly.
2. A very mild punishment.
3. Beating someone too much on the wrist.
4. Punishment to an innocent.

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17 Select the most appropriate synonym to replace the italicised word. 
If you feel good, then you will portray that attitude and look fabulous no matter what!
1. falsify
2. garble
3. distort
4. depict

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18. Select the most appropriate synonym of the given word.
1. Sourness
2. Disliking
3. Bitterness
4. Liking

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19 Select the most appropriate synonym of the given word.
1. Tyrannical
2. Insane
3. Coward
4. Rational

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20. Select the most appropriate meaning of the given idiom.
A lot on one’s plate
1. To have a serious ailment
2. To serve all dishes on one plate
3. A lot to do
4. To eat a lot

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Answer – (3)

21. Select the option that can be used as a one-word substitute for the given group of words.
To become a strong person in spite of many difficulties.
1. Triggered
2. Safe
3. Resilient
4. Anxious

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Answer – (3)

22. Select the correct meaning of the idiom in bold and italics.
Our hearts go out to the families of the victims of this terrible tragedy.
1. Well wishes for a deceased person
2. To feel sympathy for someone when they are distressed
3. To receive or express praise for a job well done
4. To wish for things does not yield to anything

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Answer – (2)

23. Select the most appropriate idiom for the underlined segment in the given sentence.
The evidence put forward could not confirm his guilt.
1. Bring up
2. Blow off
3. Break down
4. Bear up

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24. Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the given word.
1. Unreflective
2. Hollow
3. Goofy
4. Frivolous

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Answer – (1)

25. Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the underlined word in the given sentence.
He leaves behind an indelible contribution to the financial world.
1. solitary
2. futile
3. durable
4. temporary

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