NCERT Solutions Class 7 Maths Chapter 12 Algebraic Expressions Ex 12.1

NCERT Solutions Class 7 Mathematics 
Chapter – 12 (Algebraic Expressions)

The NCERT Solutions in English Language for Class 7 Mathematics Chapter – 12 Algebraic Expressions  Exercise 12.1 has been provided here to help the students in solving the questions from this exercise. 

Chapter : 12 Algebraic Expressions

Exercise – 12.1 

1. Get the algebraic expressions in the following cases using variables, constants and arithmetic operations.
(i) Subtraction of z from y.
(ii) One half of the sum of numbers x and y.
(iii) The number z multiplied by itself.
(iv) One-fourth of the product of numbers p and q.
(v) Numbers x and y both squared and added.
(vi) Number 5 added to three times the product of number m and n.
(vii) Product of numbers y and 2 subtracted from 10.
(viii) Sum of numbers a and b subtracted from their product.

Solution –

(i) Subtraction of z from y
⇒ y – z

(ii) One half of the sum of numbers x and y

(iii) The number 2 multiplied by itself.
⇒ z × z = z2

(iv) One-fourth of the product of numbers p and q

(v) Numbers x and y both squared and added
⇒ x2 + y2

(vi) Number 5 added to three times the product of number m and n
⇒ 3mn + 5

(vii) Product of numbers y and z subtracted from 10
⇒ 10 – yz

(viii) Sum of numbers a and 6 subtracted from their product
⇒ Sum = a + b,
Product = ab
∴ Required expression
= ab – (a + b)
= ab – a- b

2. (i) Identify the terms and their factors in the following expressions
Show the terms and factors by tree diagrams.
(a) x – 3
(b) 1 + x + x2
(c) y – y3
(d) 5xy2 + 7x2y
(e) -ab + 2b2 – 3a2

Solution –
(a) x – 3

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(b) 1 + x + x2

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(c) y – y3

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(d) 5xy2 + 7x2y

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(e) – ab + 2b2 – 3a2

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(ii) Identify terms and factors in the expressions given below:
(a) – 4x + 5
(b) – 4x + 5y
(c) 5y + 3y2
(d) xy + 2x2y2
(e) pq + q
(f) 1.2 ab – 2.4 b + 3.6 a
(g) \mathbf{\frac{3}{4}}x + \mathbf{\frac{1}{4}}
(h) 0.1 p2 + 0.2 q2

Solution –

Sl. No. Expression Terms Factors
(a) – 4x + 5 -4x -4 and x
5 5
(b) – 4x + 5y -4x -4 and x
5y 5 and y
(c) 5y + 3y2 5y 5 and y
3y2 3, y and y
(d) xy + 2x2y2 xy x and y
2x2y2 2, x, x, y and y
(e) pq + q pq p and q
q q
(f) 1.2 ab – 2.4 b + 3.6 a 1.2ab 1.2, a and b
-2.4b -2.4 and b
3.6a 3.6 and a
(g) \frac{3}{4} x + \frac{1}{4} \frac{3}{4} x \frac{3}{4} and x
\frac{1}{4} \frac{1}{4}
(h) 0.1 p2 + 0.2 q2 0.1p2 0.1, p and p
0.2q2 0.2, q and q

3. Identify the numerical coefficients of terms (other than constants) in the following expressions:
(i) 5 – 3t2
(ii) 1 + t + t2 + t3
(iii) x + 2xy + 3y
(iv) 100m + 1000n
(v) – p2q2 + 7pq
(vi) 1.2 a + 0.8 b
(vii) 3.14 r2
(viii) 2 (l + b)
(ix) 0.1 y + 0.01 y2

Solution –

Sl.No. Expression Terms Coefficients
(i) 5 – 3t2 – 3t2 -3
(ii) 1 + t + t2 + t3 t 1
t2 1
t3 1
(iii) x + 2xy + 3y x 1
2xy 2
3y 3
(iv) 100m + 1000n 100m 100
1000n 1000
(v) – p2q2 + 7pq -p2q2 -1
7pq 7
(vi) 1.2 a + 0.8 b 1.2a 1.2
0.8b 0.8
(vii) 3.14 r2 3.142 3.14
(viii) 2 (l + b) 2l 2
2b 2
(ix) 0.1 y + 0.01 y2 0.1y 0.1
0.01y2 0.01

4. (a) Identify terms which contain x and give the coefficient of x.
(i) y2x + y
(ii) 13y2 – 8yx
(iii) x + y + 2
(iv) 5 + z + zx
(v) 1 + x + xy
(vi) 12xy2 + 25
(vii) 7x + xy2

Solution –

Sl.No. Expression Terms Coefficient of x
(i) y2x + y y2x y2
(ii) 13y2 – 8yx – 8yx -8y
(iii) x + y + 2 x 1
(iv) 5 + z + zx x 1
zx z
(v) 1 + x + xy xy y
(vi) 12xy2 + 25 12xy2 12y2
(vii) 7x + xy2 7x 7
xy2 y2

(b) Identify terms which contain y2 and give the coefficient of y2.
(i) 8 – xy2
(ii) 5y2 + 7x
(iii) 2x2y – 15xy2 + 7y2

Solution –

Sl.No. Expression Terms Coefficient of y2
(i) 8 – xy2 – xy2 – x
(ii) 5y2 + 7x 5y2 5
(iii) 2x2y – 15xy2 + 7y2 – 15xy2 – 15x
7y2 7

5. Classify into monomials, binomials and trinomials.
(i) 4y – 7x
(ii) y2
(iii) x + y – xy
(iv) 100
(v) ab – a – b
(vi) 5 – 3t
(vii) 4p2q – 4pq2
(viii) 7mn
(ix) z2 – 3z + 8
(x) a2 + b2
(xi) z2 + z
(xii) 1 + x + x2

Solution –

(i) 4y – 7x
Binomial – An expression which contains two unlike terms is called a binomial.

(ii) y2
Monomial – An expression with only one term is called a monomial.

(iii) x + y – xy
Trinomial – An expression which contains three terms is called a trinomial.

(iv) 100
Monomial – An expression with only one term is called a monomial.

(v) ab – a – b
Trinomial – An expression which contains three terms is called a trinomial.

(vi) 5 – 3t
Binomial – An expression which contains two unlike terms is called a binomial.

(vii) 4p2q – 4pq2
Binomial – An expression which contains two unlike terms is called a binomial.

(viii) 7mn
Monomial – An expression with only one term is called a monomial.

(ix) z2 – 3z + 8
Trinomial- An expression which contains three terms is called a trinomial.

(x) a2 + b2
Binomial – An expression which contains two unlike terms is called a binomial.

(xi) z2 + z
Binomial – An expression which contains two unlike terms is called a binomial.

(xii) 1 + x + x2
Trinomial – An expression which contains three terms is called a trinomial.

6. State whether a given pair of terms is of like or unlike terms.
(i) 1, 100
(ii) -7x, \mathbf{\frac{5}{2}}x
(iii) -29x, -29y
(iv) 14xy, 42yx
(v) 4m2p, 4mp2
(vi) 12xz, 12 x2y2

Solution –

(i) 1, 100
Like term – When term have the same algebraic factors, they are like terms.

(ii) -7x, \mathbf{\frac{5}{2}}x
Like term – When term have the same algebraic factors, they are like terms.

(iii) – 29x, – 29y
Unlike terms – The terms have different algebraic factors, they are unlike terms.

(iv) 14xy, 42yx
Like term – When term have the same algebraic factors, they are like terms.

(v) 4m2p, 4mp2
Unlike terms – The terms have different algebraic factors, they are unlike terms.

(vi) 12xz, 12x2z2
Unlike terms – The terms have different algebraic factors, they are unlike terms.

7. Identify like terms in the following:
(a)-xy2, -4yx2, 8x2, 2xy2, 7y2, -11x2, -100x, -11yx, 20x2y, -6x2, y, 2xy, 3x
(b) 10pq, 7p, 8q, -p2q2, -7qp, -100q, -23, 12q2p2, -5p2, 41, 2405p, 78qp, 13p2q, qp2, 701p2

Solution –

(a) -xy2, -4yx2, 8x2, 2xy2, 7y2, -11x2, -100x, -11yx, 20x2y, -6x2, y, 2xy, 3x
Like terms are:

(i) -xy2, 2xy2
(ii) -4yx2, 20x2y
(iii) 8x2, -11x2, -6x2
(iv) 7y, y
(v) -100x, 3x
(vi) -11yx, 2xy

(b) 10pq, 7p, 8q, -p2q2, -7qp, -100q, -23, 12q2p2, -5p2, 41, 2405p, 78qp, 13p2q, qp2, 701p2
Like terms are:
(i) 10pq, – 7qp, 78qp
(ii) 7p, 2405p
(iii) 8q, -100q
(iv) -p2q2, 12 q2p2
(v) -23, 41
(vi) -5p2, 701p2
(vii) 13p2q, qp2

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