Haryana (CPLO) Exam - 17 January 2024 (Official Answer Key) | TheExamPillar
Haryana CRID Panchayat Local Operator (CPLO) Exam Paper - 17 January 2024 (Official Answer Key)

Haryana CRID Panchayat Local Operator (CPLO) Exam Paper – 17 January 2024 (Official Answer Key)


21. Choose one of the following options that means the opposite of the given word:
(A) Supple
(B) Pliable
(C) Rigid
(D) Bendable

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Answer – (C)

22. Choose one of the following options that means similar to the given word :
(A) Exult
(B) Twist
(C) Friend
(D) Relative

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Answer – (D)

23. Find the correctly spelt word :
(A) Adverisity
(B) Advercety
(C) Adversity
(D) Advercity

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Answer – (C)

24. Out of the four alternatives, choose the one which can be substituted for the given sentence:
A disease which spreads by contact
(A) Incurable
(B) Infectious
(C) Contagious
(D) Fatal

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Answer – (C)

25. In this question, four alternatives are given for the Idiom/Phrase in bold in the sentence. Choose the alternative which best expresses the meaning of the Idiom/ Phrase as your answer :
I met him after a long time, but he gave me the cold shoulder.
(A) scolded me
(B) insulted me
(C) abused me
(D) ignored me

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Answer – (D)

26. Fill in the blank with an appropriate preposition :
The doctor gave me a prescription ________ my cough.
(A) for
(B) at
(C) with
(D) to

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Answer – (A)

27. Given below are four jumbled sentences. Select the option that gives their correct order:
P : Children are the most adversely affected.
Q : Their eyesight goes weak from their very childhood.
R : Watching television continuously is very harmful to the eyes.
S : This debilitating effect on the eyes results in severe headaches as well.

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Answer – (B)

28. In the question given below, a sentence given with blanks is to be filled in with an appropriate word (s). Choose the correct alternative out of the four :
Population growth tapers off with ________ literacy, access to contraception and social and economic ________ .
(A) decreased, progress
(B) increased, progress
(C) improved, regress
(D) stagnant, duress

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Answer – (B)

29. Direction: In this question, a sentence/part of the sentence is bold. Below are given alternatives to the bold sentence/part of the sentence which may improve the sentence. Choose the correct alternative :
He found a wooden broken chair in the room.
(A) wooden and broken chair
(B) broken wooden chair
(C) broken and wooden chair
(D) No improvement

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Answer – (B)

30. Fill in the blank :
Football is ________ most popular sport in the world.
(A) the
(B) an
(C) a
(D) None of these

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Answer – (A)

31. Direction: In this question, a sentence is given with a blank to be filled in with an appropriate word. Choose the correct alternative out of the four :
If you had followed the rules, you ________ disqualified.
(A) will not be
(B) would not be
(C) will not have been
(D) would not have been

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Answer – (D)

32. A sentence has been given in direct form. Out of the four alternatives, choose the one that best expresses the same sentence in indirect form :
He said, “I will return tomorrow.”
(A) He said that he will return tomorrow.
(B) He said that he would return tomorrow.
(C) He said that he would return the next day.
(D) He said that I would return the next day.

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Answer – (C)

33. Change the voice :
They will laugh at you.
(A) You can be laughed at by them.
(B) You may be laughed at by them.
(C) You will be laughed at by them.
(D) You will have been laughed at by them.

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Answer – (C)

34. Direction: In this question, a sentence is divided into four parts. There is an error in one of the parts, which makes the sentence grammatically or contextually incorrect. Choose the option with the part containing the error :
It was him/who came/running/into the classroom.
(A) It was him
(B) who came
(C) running
(D) into the classroom

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Answer – (A)

35. Instruction: Choose the most appropriate adjective from the options to fill in the blank:
He was a(n) ________ speaker, captivating the audience with his wit and charisma.
(A) eloquent
(B) verbose
(C) incoherent
(D) mundane

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Answer – (A)

Direction (Q. Nos. 36 to 40): Read the passage carefully and answer the following questions:

5G technology is on the horizon, promising to revolutionize our world with its breakneck speed, near-instantaneous response times, and ability to connect billions of devices simultaneously. Imagine downloading a full-length movie in seconds, experiencing virtual reality without lag, or watching a surgeon perform a delicate operation from miles away in real-time. This is the future that 5G beckons, and it’s closer than you think. This next generation of cellular network technology boasts significant advancements over its predecessors. Blazing-fast speeds up to 20 times faster than 4G enable ultra-fast downloads, seamless streaming, and real- time applications. Near-instantaneous response times, measured in milliseconds, are crucial for applications like remote surgery, autonomous vehicles, and immersive gaming. The ability to connect billions of devices simultaneously paves the way for the Internet of Things (IoT) and smart cities, where everything from traffic lights to kitchen appliances are interconnected and intelligent. This transformative technology has the potential to disrupt and enhance various sectors, from healthcare and manufacturing to transportation and education. Imagine doctors performing remote surgeries on patients in rural areas, factories optimizing production processes with real-time machine monitoring, self-driving cars navigating roads safely and efficiently through communication with each other and infrastructure, or students experiencing immersive virtual reality classrooms. The possibilities are endless, and as 5G networks expand and mature, we can expect to witness a new era of innovation and connectivity, reshaping our world in ways we can only begin to imagine.

36. Which sector would most benefit from 5G’s near-instantaneous response times ?
(A) Retail industry
(B) Education sector
(C) Healthcare sector
(D) Finance industry

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Answer – (C)

37. Find a synonym for ‘beckons’ as used in the passage :
(A) Forces
(B) Entices
(C) Restricts
(D) Impedes

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Answer – (B)

38. Find an antonym for ‘simultaneously’ as used in the passage :
(A) Continuously
(B) Simultaneously
(C) Sequentially
(D) Intermittently

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Answer – (C)

39. What does the concept of ‘smart cities’ imply in the context of 5G ?
(A) Cities with large populations
(B) Cities with advanced infrastructure and interconnected devices
(C) Cities focusing on environmental sustainability
(D) Cities with strict traffic regulations

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Answer – (B)

40. What is the main idea of the passage
(A) 5G is a new type of smartphone with advanced features.
(B) 5G promises to revolutionize various sectors with its speed, responsiveness and device connectivity.
(C) 5G is mainly relevant to entertainment and gaming industries.
(D) 5G is a temporary solution for overcoming slow internet speeds

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Answer – (B)

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