The Hindu Editorial Vocabulary

The Hindu Editorial (Virtues of planning: On the Vision India@2047 plan) Vocab – 02 Nov, 2023

Welcome to “The Hindu Editorial Vocabulary,” your trusted source for enhancing your linguistic prowess. In our concise yet insightful articles, we break down the complex terminology and phrases found in “The Hindu” editorials, empowering you to understand, apply, and integrate these words into your daily communication. Today we will discuss about the The Hindu Editorial (Virtues of planning: On the Vision India@2047 plan) of 2nd November 2023. 

In early 2024, Prime Minister Narendra Modi is expected to unveil a road map to transform the country into a developed nation with a $30 trillion economy by the time it completes 100 years of Independence.

Read This Article: – (Virtues of planning: On the Vision India@2047 plan)

For Further Reading, visit The Hindu”.

Below is today’s Vocabulary for The Hindu Editorial (Virtues of planning: On the Vision India@2047 plan) – November 02, 2023.

Today’s Vocabulary for The Hindu Editorial (Virtues of planning: On the Vision India@2047 plan) – November 02, 2023

  • Expected (verb) – अपेक्षित
    Meaning – to think or believe something will happen, or someone will arrive

    Synonyms – awaited, hoped, looked forward to
    Antonyms – questioned, doubted
    Sentence – We are expecting a lot of applicants for the job.
  • Unveil (verb) – अनावरण करना
    Meaning –
    to remove a covering like a curtain from a new structure at a formal ceremony in order to show the opening or finishing of a new building or work of art
    Synonyms –
     reveal, disclose, discover, uncover
    Antonyms –
     conceal, hide, cover (up), veil, cloak, disguise
    Sentence – 
    Today they will unveil new products at lower prices


  • Brainstorming (noun) – बुद्धिशीलता
    Meaning –
    an activity or business method in which a group of people meet to suggest a lot of new ideas for possible development
    Synonyms –
    ideation, creativity, inspiration
    Antonyms –
    literalness, literality
    Sentence – 
    There will be lots of meetings and a lot of brainstorming.
  • Aspires to (phrasal verb) – महत्त्वाकांक्षा करना
    Meaning – 
    to have a strong wish or hope to do or have something

    Sentence – Few people who aspire to fame ever achieve it.
  • Industrialist (noun) – उद्योगपति
    Meaning – 
    an owner or an employee in a high position in industry

    Sentence – Soon, the land was sold off to industrialists or housing-speculators.
  • Finetune (verb) – ठीक करना
    Meaning – 
    to make very small changes to something in order to make it work as well as possible
    Synonyms – 
    adjust, regulate, adapt
    Antonyms – 
    Sentence – 
    She spent hours fine-tuning her speech.
  • Blind spots (noun) – अस्पष्ट जगह
    Meaning – 
    an area that you are not able to see

    Sentence – It can be very dangerous if there’s a vehicle in your blind spot.
  • Prospective (adjective) – भावी
    Meaning – people who are expected to buy something, employ someone
    Synonyms – potential, future, possible, upcoming
    Antonyms – previous, prior, precedent, anterior
    Sentence – Her father always wants to meet her prospective boyfriends.
  • Irrespective (adverb) – निरपेक्ष
    Meaning – 
    without considering; not needing to allow for
    Sentence – 
    The legislation must be applied irrespective of someone’s ethnic origins.
  • Earnest (adjective) – बयाना
    Meaning – 
    serious and determined, especially too serious and unable to find your own actions funny

    Synonyms – solemn, serious, stern
    Antonyms – playful, humorous, facetious, flippant, joking
    Sentence – He was a very earnest young man.
  • Varying (verb) – परिवर्तनीय
    Meaning – 
    If things of the same type vary, they are different from each other

    Synonyms – changing, uneven, unequal
    Antonyms – constant, stable, steady, regular
    Sentence – The samples varied in quality but were generally acceptable.
  • Hues (noun) – विविध रंग
    Meaning –
    a degree of lightness, darkness, strength, etc.

    Synonyms – shades, colors, tones, tints
    Antonyms – achromatisms
    Sentence – 
    In the Caribbean waters there are fish of every hue.
  • Liberalisation (noun) – उदारीकरण
    Meaning – 
    the practice of making laws, systems, or opinions less severe
    Sentence – 
    The group is pushing the liberalisation of drug laws.


  • Vigour (noun) – ताक़त
    Meaning – 
    strength of thought, opinion, expression, etc
    Sentence – 
    He gave his side of the story with vigour.
  • Regime (noun) – प्रशासन
    Meaning – 
    a particular government or a system or method of government

    Synonyms – government, administration, rule, reign, governance, tyranny
    Sentence – 
    The old corrupt, totalitarian regime was overthrown.
  • Ensure () – सुनिश्चित करना
    Meaning – to make something certain to happen

    Synonyms – assure, guarantee, insure
    Antonyms – undermine, weaken
    Sentence – The airline is taking steps to ensure safety on its aircraft.
  • Certainty (noun) – यक़ीन
    Meaning – 
    something that cannot be doubted

    Synonyms – assurance, confidence, satisfaction, conviction
    Antonyms – uncertainty, doubt, hesitation, hesitancy
    Sentence – 
    There are few absolute certainties in life
  • Incentives (noun) – प्रोत्साहन राशि
    Meaning –  
    something that encourages a person to do something

    Synonyms – encouragements, impetuses, motivations, stimuli
    Antonyms – disincentives, counterincentives
    Sentence – Bonus payments provide an incentive to work harder.


  • Zealous (adjective) – उत्साही
    Meaning –
    enthusiastic and eager

    Synonyms – avid, eager, fervent, enthusiastic
    Antonyms – objective, detached, impersonal
    Sentence – She was one of the president’s most zealous supporters
  • Hastening (verb) – जल्दी करना
    Meaning – 
    to make something happen sooner or more quickly

    Synonyms – acceleration, quickening
    Antonyms – retardation, deceleration, slowdown, decline, braking
    Sentence –  
    There is little doubt that poor medical treatment hastened her death.
  • Widening (verb) –चौड़ा
    Meaning –
    to become, or to make something greater in width

    Synonyms – broadening, expanding, intensifying, extending
    Antonyms – narrowing (down), constricting, decreasing, reducing, diminishing
    Sentence – They are widening the road in our village.
  • Abandoned (adjective) – छोड़ा हुआ
    Meaning – 
    left in a particular place or condition, usually forever

    Synonyms – deserted, disused, derelict, vacant
    Antonyms – 
    recovered, saved, reclaimed, redeemed
    Sentence – 
    The world is full of abandoned mines.
  • Recalibrate (verb) – पुन: अंशांकित करें
    Meaning – 
    to make small changes to an instrument so that it measures accurately
    Sentence – 
    You need to recalibrate your expectations.
  • Scenarios (noun) – परिदृश्यों
    Meaning – 
    a description of possible actions or events in the future

    Synonyms – scripts, screenplays
    Sentence –
    There are several possible scenarios.



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Daily The Hindu Vocabulary 


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