UP PGT EXAM 2019 - Biology Answer key

UP PGT Exam 2019 – Biology (Answer-Key) in English

81. Double circulation of blood in mammals refer to
(A) Paired arteries
(B) Paired veins
(C) The blood circulates twice in heart as quickly
(D) The process is completed in two turns, one from heart to lung and back to the rest of body from heart

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Answer – (D)

82. The food chain that starts from plants and goes from smaller to larger animals is
(A) Detritus food chain
(B) Parasitic food chain
(C) Predator food chain
(D) Saprophytic food chain

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Answer – (C)

83. Glucagon stimulates
(A) Increase of breakdown of glycogen to blood sugar
(B) Formation of glucose from amino acids
(C) Rise of blood sugar level
(D) All of these

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Answer – (D)

84. First United Nations Conference on Human Environment was held in Stockholm in the year
(A) 1972

(B) 1986
(C) 1992
(D) 2000

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Answer – (A)

85. Silica for the formation of siliceous spicules is
(A) Synthesized by the sponge
(B) Provided by symbiotic algae
(C) Supplied by bacteria
(D) Extracted by the sponge from the sea water

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Answer – ()

86. Which of the following plants produce green spores ?
(A) Psilotum
(B) Lycopodium
(C) Riccia
(D) Equisetum

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Answer – (C)

87. Aerial respiration in pila occurs from
(A) Pulmonary sac
(B) Mantler
(C) Ctenidium
(D) Branchiae

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Answer – (A)

88. Naturally occuring enzyme lysozyme is found in
(A) Saliva
(B) Tears
(C) Both (A) and (B)
(D) None of the above

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Answer – (C)

89. When the expression of a gene is changed due to presence of another gene, it is called as
(A) Overdominance

(B) Lethal genes
(C) Selfish gene
(D) Epistasis

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Answer – (D)

90. Elettaria Cardamomum belongs to
(A) Dicot
(B) Monocot
(C) Conifer
(D) Monochlamydeae

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Answer – (B)

91. Root-Knot disease caused by
(A) Mycoplasma
(B) Nematodes
(C) Virus
(D) Fungi

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Answer – (B)

92. Metamorphosis in cockroach is regulated mainly by
(A) Corpora cardiaca
(B) Prothora gland
(C) Corpora allata
(D) Brain

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Answer – (C)

93. Which genetically engineered microbe used in production of human insulin ?
(A) Bacillus thuringiensis
(B) Rhizobium meliloti
(C) Escherichia coli
(D) Pseudomonas putida

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Answer – (C)

94. ‘Mother of Pearl’ is known as
(A) Conchyolin
(B) Calcite
(C) Nacre
(D) None of these

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Answer – (C)

95. A botanical name in which specific epithet repeats exactly the generic name is called
(A) Tautonym
(B) Synonym
(C) Homonym
(D) Autonym

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Answer – (A)

96. Montane zone of Western Himalayan Floristic region extends from
(A) 1,000 to 5,000 ft. above sea level
(B) 5,000 to 10,000 ft. above sea level
(C) 5,000 to 11,675 ft. above sea level
(D) 6,000 to 11,675 ft. above sea level

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Answer – (C)

97. Some ecologists prefer to call the green plants as “transducers” in place of
(A) Converters
(B) Consumers
(C) Producers
(D) Pioneers

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Answer – (C)

98. Ozone is present in large concentration in
(A) Ionosphere
(B) Stratosphere
(C) Arctic region
(D) Antarctic region

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Answer – (B)

99. Angular divergence in pentastichous phyllotaxy is
(A) 1/3 of 360°
(B) 2/5 of 360°
(C) 1/2 of 360°
(D) 1/4 of 360°

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Answer – (B)

100. Synandrous stamens are found in family
(A) Asteraceae
(B) Malvaceae
(C) Cucurbitaceae 
(D) Papilionaceae

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Answer – (A)

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