61. In which, adaptation to aquatic life is secondary ?
(A) Whales
(B) Seals
(C) Porpoises
(D) All of the above
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62. Which one of the following foetal membranes functions as embryonic urinary bladder ?
(A) Allantois
(B) Yolk sac
(C) Amnion
(D) Chorion
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63. Nucleus is absent in
(A) Sieve tubes
(B) Companian cells
(C) Phloem parenchyma
(D) None of the above
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64. In invertebrates, the haemoglobin is present in
(A) Erythrocytes
(B) Leucocytes
(C) Blood plasma
(D) Thrombocytes
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65. Exogenous poisons are those that
(A) enter the organism from outer environment
(B) work outside the body of the organism
(C) are produced by one organism and damage the other organism
(D) are produced inside the body fluid
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67. Longest cell of plant kingdom is found in
(A) Ephedra
(B) Chara
(C) Ectocarpus
(D) Marchantia
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67. Find the odd man out.
(A) LD50
(B) LC50
(C) EC50
(D) LE50
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68. In which species of chlamydomonas the cells of palmella stage develop haematochrome and become non-motile thick walled hypnospores
(A) C. caudata
(B) C. eugametos
(C) C. kleinii
(D) C. nivalis
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69. Capitulum inflorescence is found in
(A) Ageratum
(B) Hibiscus
(C) Cicer
(D) Plumeria
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70. RL model of DNA was suggested by
(A) M. H. F. Wilkins
(B) H.G. Khorana
(C) Sasisekharan
(D) Chargaff
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71. Which one is called a birth hormone ?
(A) Vasopressin
(B) Pancreozymin
(C) Oxitocin
(D) Progesteron
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72. In which of the following family C3, C4 and CAM plant species are found?
(A) Crassulaceae
(B) Cactaceae
(C) Poaceae
(D) Euphorbiaceae
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73. Which of the following diseases is caused by protozoa, bacteria and virus in that sequence ?
(A) Malaria, mumps and typhus
(B) Amoebiasis, polio and tetanus
(C) Sleeping sickness, Diphtheria and Hepatitis B
(D) Yellow fever, syphilis and influenza
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74. Mitochondrial DNA of human cells is not
(A) Naked
(B) Double-stranded
(C) Circular
(D) Of paternal origin
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75. In which genus seta elongates upto 50 mm and becomes almost transparent at maturity ?
(A) Marchantia
(B) Pellia
(C) Funaria
(D) Sphagnum
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76. Which of the following glycosidic bond is found in sucrose ?
(A) α 1 – 4
(B) β 1 – 4
(C) α 1 – β 2
(D) α 1 – 6
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77. Which of the following represents the probability, P of an event which is certain ?
(A) P= 1
(B) P = 10
(C) P = 50
(D) P= 100
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78. The developing fruit of Cocos nucifera contains milky fluid. It is
(A) Nuclear endosperm
(B) Liquid syncytium
(C) Solution of unknown morphological nature
(D) Both (A) and (B) are correct
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79. One Haemoglobin (Hb) molecule carries
(A) 4 molecules of O2
(B) 3 molecules of O2
(C) 2 molecules of O2
(D) 1 molecule of O2
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80. The process of determination of the sequence of genes on a chromosome is termed
(A) Gene localization
(B) Gene sequencing
(C) Chromosomal mapping
(D) DNA sequencing
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