CTET July 2019 Language - II English Answer Key

CTET July 2019 – Paper – II Language – II (English) Official Answer Key

CBSE conducted the CTET (Central Teacher Eligibility Test) Exam Paper held on 07th July 2019 Evening Shift. Here The CTET Paper – II Part – V Language – II (English) Question Paper with Answer Key. CTET July 2019 Answer Key. 

CTET (Central Teachers Eligibility Test)
Paper – II Junior Level (Class 6 to Class 8)

Exam – CTET Paper II Junior Level (Class VI to VIII) 
Part – Part – V Language – II (English)
Organized – CBSE 
Number of Question – 30
Paper Set – Y
Exam Date – 07th July 2019 (Evening Shift 02:00 PM – 04:30 PM)

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CTET Exam July 2019 Paper – 2 (Junior Level)
Part – V – Language – II (English)


Directions : Read the passage given below and answer the questions (121 – 128) by selecting the correct/most appropriate options :

The other day I received an unusual and very gratifying gift : I was given a tree. Or rather, I was given half-a-dozen trees, which would be planted on my behalf. I had been invited to give a talk to an organisation. After such events, the speaker is usually given a token gift. Sometimes the gift is that of a pen, or something useful. Often, the gift is in the form of a plaque or similar commemorative token. However well-meant, such gifts are destined to gather dust in forgotten corners. Which is why I was agreeably surprised to be given a scroll which attested that, in a designated plantation established for the purpose, six tress would be added in my name, as part of ‘green’ movement being sponsored by the organization.

In an increasingly environmentally conscious world, the gift of a living tree or plant makes for a perfect present. The tradition of giving and receiving gifts has increasingly become a highly evolved marketing exercise. Apart from festivals like Diwali, Holi, Christmas, Eid and others, a whole new calendar of celebratory events has been created to promote the giving of gifts : Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, Teacher’s Day, Valentine’s Day and so on and on.

What do you give to people – friends, relatives, spouses, children, parents, employees, clients, well-wishers who have more or less everything, or at least everything that you could afford to give them as a gift ? Another shirt or kurta ? Another bottle of scent or aftershave ? Another box of chocolates ? Another any other ?

121. The word ‘destined’ means :
(1) declined
(2) departed
(3) fated
(4) decided

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Answer – (3)

122. Name the part of speech of the underlined word in the following clause.
which is why I was agreeably surprised.
(1) Pronoun
(2) Adverb
(3) Preposition
(4) Adjective

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Answer – (1)

123. Identify the part of the following sentence which has an error in it.
Your claim ought (a)/ to succeed in that case (b) / the damages (c) / will be substantial. (d)
(1) (c)
(2) (d)
(3) (a)
(4) (b)

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Answer – (4)

124. The writer was thrilled when he was given
(1) a plaque
(2) a pen
(3) a tree
(4) six trees

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Answer – (1)

125. What usually happens to the gifts he/she receives ?
(1) They are put away and forgotten.
(2) He keeps them religiously as mementoes.
(3) He uses them if he needs them.
(4) He gives them away as gifts to others.

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Answer – (1)

126. The gift received by the writer was :
(1) very expensive
(2) gathering dust in a corner
(3) a marketing exercise
(4) environment friendly

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Answer – (4)

127. Why do you not very much care for it when you receive a shirt or a kurta as a gift?
(1) You don’t like the colour.
(2) You were not asked about your choice.
(3) The giver had to spend a lot of money.
(4) You already have so many of them.

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Answer – (4)

128. The word ‘gratifying’ means
(1) giving
(3) fortifying
(3) annoying
(4) satisfying

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Answer – (4)

Directions : Read the passage given below and answer the questions (129 – 135) by selecting the correct/most appropriate options :

With more then 3,000 languages currently spoken, English undoubtedly is amongst the richest of all languages. The Oxford English Dictionary lists about half a million words of which only 2,00,000 are frequently used. This is because, the balance 3,00,000 words are technical and not found in ordinary dictionaries. The only language that can come near English is Chinese.

Apart from being the richest language, English also boasts of being one of the most widely spoken, second only to Mandarin Chinese. This remarkable achievement is only because of the one thing that we all love to do – copy ! ‘Siesta’ for example is of Spanish origin. “Sputnik’ as you must be aware of, has a Russian origin. Restaurant is from France and “Super’ 212 from Germany. Even before the birth of the ‘genius’ of ‘drama’, William Shakespeare, the words ‘genius’ and ‘drama’ were adapted from Greek. Now, you must be wondering if English has anything original about it. Well, find it out ! Did you ever try to find out how many different words of English we use in our daily life ? Try to guess and then read on. A modern novelist has a vocabulary of anywhere between ten to fifteen thousand words.

William Shakespeare used thirty thousand words and the only writer to come close to him was James Joyce in ‘Ulysses’. We normally have a vocabulary of about ten thousand words of which only five thousand are used in everyday conversation. This leads to a limited variety of words. This is because we repeat a lot of words. In conversation and in writing, it is ‘the’. (Try counting it in this article and you will have proof of it.)

129. The word that is similar in meaning to the word, ‘remarkable’ is :
(1) remaining
(2) optional
(3) astonishing
(4) remedial

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Answer – (3)

130. The word that is opposite in meaning to the word, ‘ordinary’ is :
(1) special
(2) liable
(3) usual
(4) complex

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Answer – (1)

131. Which part of speech is the underlined word in the following sentence ?
Did you ever try to find out ?
(1) Pronoun
(2) Verb
(3) Adverb
(4) Adjective

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Answer – (3)

132. English is the most widely used language in the world because :
(1) it has taken words from other languages.
(2) it has half a million words in it.
(3) Shakespeare has written in English.
(4) it is the richest language.

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Answer – (1)

133. In our everyday conversation we use a limited number of words because :
(1) everybody is not highly educated.
(2) we repeat a lot of words.
(3) our vocabulary is unlimited.
(4) we are not a genius like Shakespeare.

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Answer – (2)

134. How many words are usually used by an English speaking person ?
(1) 10,000
(2) 15,000
(3) 3,000
(4) 5,000

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Answer – (4)

135. Which of the following words is most often used in English language ?
(1) is
(2) one
(3) a
(4) the

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Answer – (4)

CTET July 2019 – Paper – I (Language – II English) Official Answer Key

CBSE conducted the CTET (Central Teacher Eligibility Test) Exam Paper held on 07th July 2019 Morning Shift. Here The CTET Paper – I Part – V Language – II English Question Paper with Answer Key. CTET July 2019 Answer Key.

CTET (Central Teachers Eligibility Test)
Paper – I Primary Level (Class 1 to Class 5)

Exam – CTET Paper I Primary Level (Class I to V) 
Part – Part – V – Language – II (English) 
Organized – CBSE 
Number of Question – 30
Paper Set – R
Exam Date – 07th July 2019

Read Also ….

CTET Exam July 2019 Paper – 1 (Primary Level)
Part – V Language – II (English)


Directions : Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow (Q. No. 121 to 128) by choosing the correct/most appropriate options :

On an ordinary workday, 27-year old Pramila Bariki hikes up steep slopes across fields, through ankle-deep rivulets, often walking upto 14 kms. She gets a ride until the road is motorable, from which point she has to walk.

Her job? She doles out healthcare advice to mothers and children in the remotest hamlets in the Araku valley of Andhra Pradesh.

Now heavily pregnant Pramila has had to slow down delegating tasks to Duridi, Neeraj, Sunita and others. It’s they who now walk through forests and climb up moutains, visiting families to identify pregnant women and conduct basic tests for diabetes and anaemia and connect them with a primary health centre whenever necessary.

These young tribal women are all trained auxiliary nurses, part of an experimental health project in Araku that aims to end preventable deaths during childbirth or infancy.

The Araku valley is home to several nomadic tribes who live in small clusters of 70 to 150 homes situated in rugged and inaccessible terrain. Until a few years ago these communities were unaware of government healthcare policies. The death of a child or a woman during pregnancy or child birth was common and they were resigned to it.

Today 38 women like Pramila drawn from these tribes, have broken social and cultural barriers to train as nurses and provide medical care to 1179 hamlets across the Araku, Paderu and Chintapalli mandals. Since they are from these communities they have been able create trust in the families and neighbours about formal healthcare. As a result these remote birth in villages have now had the first childbirth hospital, the first delivery by a train. nurse and the first mother not to lose child.

The nurses advise women on hygien and nutrition and convince them to visit in nearest health centre for further check-ups.

121. Which one of the following words is opposite in meaning to ‘trust’ as used in the passage ?
(1) disrupt
(2) dismantle
(3) disdain
(4) distrust

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Answer – (4)

122. He could not clear the exam because he didn’t work hard.
Identify the clause in the underlined part of the sentence given above :
(1) Noun clause
(2) Principal clause
(3) Adverb clause
(4) Adjective clause

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Answer – (3)

123. Which part of the following sentence contains an error ?
The sudden rise (a) / and fall of prices (b) / make a business (c) / very uncertain (d) .
(1) (c)
(2) (d)
(3) (a)
(4) (b)

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Answer – (1)

124. The job of the auxiliary nurses is physically challenging because they :
(1) have to walk through forests and up mountains to reach out to people.
(2) are not liked by the people whom they want to help.
(3) have to face opposition from the local traditional healers.
(4) are not paid any renumeration for their work.

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Answer – (1)

125. The health project launched in the tribal areas aims to :
(1) provide nutrition to women and children
(2) provide employment alongwith education.
(3) prevent deaths during pregnancy and child birth.
(4) raise the living standard in the tribal areas.

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Answer – (3)

126. The tribal people trust the health workers mostly because they :
(1) help them settle their domestic disputes.
(2) belong to their own community.
(3) help them get employment.
(4) are educated and soft-spoken.

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Answer – (2)

127. Read the following statements :
A. Child mortality rate in the tribal areas was very high in the past.
B. Pramila and her colleagues are rendering invaluable services to the tribal women.
(1) Both A and B are false.
(2) Both A and B are true.
(3) A is true, B is false.
(4) B is true, A is false.

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Answer – (2)

128. Which one of the following words is similar in meaning to ‘remotest’ as used in the passage ?
(1) highest
(2) tallest
(3) toughest
(4) farthest

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Answer – (4)

Directions : Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow (Q. No. 129 to 135) by choosing the correct/most appropriate options :

Kaizen in Japanese mean constant and never ending improvement. There is no pursuit of self-improvement. As Confucius said many years ago: “Good People strengthen themselves ceaselessly”. Consistant and constant improvement in all areas is essential to reach your true potential. The personal trademark of almost every high achiever and successful person is a dedication to daily improvement in both thier personal and professional lives. From Ben Franklin to Mahatma Gandhi, from Martin Luther King Jr. to Ivan Lendl and from Nelson Mandela to Mother Teresa, effective people do things daily to advance confidently in the direction of their goals and dreams.

You must also apply the Kaizen principle on a daily basis to condition your mind to peak performance. It has been said that the mind is a terrible master but a wonderful servant. By seeking to improve your mind and condition it to excellence of thought, this wonderful servant will most certainly bring you all the peace, prosperity and joy you now search for.

Study any person’s great success story and you will undoubtedly learn of their commitment to Kaizen. They will be dedicated to small, daily improvements in the key areas of their lives and become the very best that they could be. Personal mastery is like a bank account, call it the Personal Excellence Account. By improving daily, whether it is by spending some time exercising, reading, visualizing or forging better relationships, you are your making regular deposits into account. After only one month, for example, you will have improved the richness and quality of your world by at least 30%.

129. Which word is the most similar in meaning to the word, ‘trademark’ used in the passage ?
(1) subject
(2) brand
(3) item
(4) object

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Answer – (2)

130. Which word is the most opposite meaning to the word, ‘wonderful used in the passage ?
(1) unremarkable
(2) insufficient
(3) separate
(4) deficient

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Answer – (1)

131. Which part of the following sentence contains an error ?
Since time immemorial (a) / the Hindus (b) / have been worshipping (c) / the river Ganga (d) .
(1) (c)
(2) (d)
(3) (a)
(4) (b)

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Answer – (3)

132. How, according to the author, can we attain our full potential ?
(1) by seeking the advice and guidance of successful people.
(2) by working hard on our weaknesses
(3) by putting in a lot of effort.
(4) by proper and ceaseless improvement in all areas.

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Answer – (4)

133. What is common among the great people mentioned in para-1 ?
(1) They tried their best to realise their goals.
(2) They resisted every temptation.
(3) They inspired all those who came into contact with them.
(4) They worked hard to alleviate the suffering of the downtrodden.

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Answer – (1)

134. How do we stand to gain when we condition our minds to do our best ?
(1) We are able to overcome all obstacles.
(2) We realise our full capability.
(3) We earn name, fame and wealth.
(4) We rise in the estimation of our friends.

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Answer – (2)

135. Read the following sentences :
A. All successful people are . committed to Kaizen.
B. If we can control our mind, it will serve us wonderfully.
(1) Both A and B are true.
(2). Both A and B are false.
(3) A is false and B is true.
(4) A is true and B is false.

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Answer – (1)

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