Kumaun University USET Exam Paper II (English) – 07 January 2024 (Official Answer Key)

Kumaun University USET Exam Paper II (English) – 07 January 2024 (Official Answer Key)

21. Which of the following plays is not written by Shakespeare?
(A) Timon of Athens
(B) King John
(C) Dr Faustus
(D) Coriolanus

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Answer – (C)

22. Who was the poet who lived during the periods of Edward II, Richard II and Henry IV?
(A) Shakespeare
(B) Lovelace
(C) Speuser
(D) Thomas Carew

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Answer – (C)

23. Which poem written in the form of eight syllabled couplets, containing 30,000 lines, relates the history of the world as recorded in the old and new Testaments?
(A) Cursor Mundi
(B) The Owl and the Night
(C) Ozymandias
(D) Livre des Creatures.

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Answer – (A)

24. Which writer of the Restoration became the poet Laureate?
(A) Dryden
(B) Congreve
(C) Nicholas Rowe
(D) Bunyan

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Answer – (C)

25. Which of the following was a left wing poet?
(A) T.S. Eliot
(B) W.H. Auden
(C) W.B. Yeats
(D) Philip Larkin

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Answer – (B)

26. Arrange the following in the chronological order:
1. Darwin’s On the Origin of Species
2. Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales
3. Percy’s Reliques of Ancient English Poetry
4. Wordsworth’s Preface to lyrical Ballads
(A) 2341
(B) 3421
(C) 2431
(D) 1243

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Answer – (C)

27. “This foot once planted on the goal, This-glory garland round my soul, Could I descry such?” These lines occur in the poem:
(A) “Ulysses”
(B) “The Scholar Gipsy”
(C) “The Last Ride Together”
(D) “Love Song of J Alfred Prufrock”

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Answer – (C)

28. In Chaucer’s The General Prologue, who makes the remark “My wit is short, ye may well understand”?
(A) The Prioress
(B) The Monk
(C) The Franklin
(D) The Narrator

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Answer – (D)

29. Match the poems with their poets
.    Poets – Poems
1. Milton – a. To Autumn
2. Dry den – b. Daffodils
3. Wordsworth – c. Annus Mirabilis
4. Keats – d. Lycidas
(A) 1-b; 2-c; 3-a; 4-d
(B) 1-d; 2-c; 3-b; 4-a
(C) 1-d; 2-c; 3-a; 4-b
(D) 1-a; 2-b; 3-d; 4-c

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Answer – (B)

30. The following are the first lines of well-known works. Match the lines with the works.
.  Lines      –      Works
1. Hence loathed Melancholy – a. To Autumn
2. Strange fits of passion have I known – b. Rabbi Ben Ezra
3. Season of mists and mellow fruitfulness – c. Lucy
4. Grow old along with me – d. L’allegro
(A) 1-b; 2-c; 3-a; 4-d
(B) 1-d; 2-c; 3-b; 4-a
(C) 1-d; 2-c; 3-a; 4-b
(D) 1-a; 2-b; 3-d; 4-c

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Answer – (C)

31. Consider the following statements about Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales and identify the correct choice.
1. The framing device for the collection of stories is a pilgrimage to the shrine of Samuel Burns.
2. The 30 pilgrims who undertake the journey gather at the Tabard Inn in Southwark, across the Thames from London.
3. They agree to engage in a storytelling contest as they travel.
4. Henry, host of the Tillard, serves as master of ceremonies for the contest.
5. Most of the pilgrims are introduced by vivid brief sketches in the “General Prologue.”
(A) 1, 3 and 5 are correct
(B) 2, 3 and 5 are correct
(C) 2, 4 and 5 are correct
(D) 3,4 and 5 are correct

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Answer – (B)

32. Which is considered the ‘Long Loved mistress rhyme’?
(A) The heroic royal
(B) Free verse
(C) The rhyme royal
(D) Sprung rhyme

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Answer – (A)

33. Who was the first Poet Laureate of England?
(A) Alexander Pope
(B) Ben Jonson
(C) William Wordsworth
(D) Lord Tennyson

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Answer – (A)

34. Match the following works with their writers
(a) The Parliament of Fowles  – (i) Geoffrey Chaucer
(b) Ship of Fools   – (ii) John Lydgate
(c) Dance of Seven Deadly Sinnis –  (iii) Alexander BankLony
(d) The Temple of Glass  –  (iv) William Dunbar
(A) (a) (iii), (b) – (i), (c) – (ii), (d) – (iv)
(B) (a) (i), (b) – (iii), (c) – (ii), (d) – (iv)
(C) (a) (iv), (b) – (ii), (c) – (iii), (d) – (i)
(D) (a) (i), (b) – (iii), (c) – (iv), (d) – (ii)

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Answer – (D)

35. In a sequence of English poets, if Blake comes before Wordsworth, and Coleridge comes before Byron, who is the first poet in the sequence?
(A) Coleridge
(B) Wordsworth
(C) Blake
(D) Byron

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Answer – (B)

36. In which period did the Romantic literary movement flourish?
(A) 16th century
(B) 17th century
(C) 18th century
(D) 19th century

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Answer – (D)

37. Who is considered the father of English literature who wrote “The Canterbury Tales”?
(A) Geoffrey Chaucer
(B) William Langland
(C) John Gower
(D) Thomas Malory

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Answer – (A)

38. Who is the author of the novel “The God of Small Things,” which won the Booker Prize for Fiction in 1997?
(A) Arundhati Roy
(B) Salman Rushdie
(C) Vikram Seth
(D) Jhumpa Lahiri

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Answer – (A)

39. Who is the author of “To Kill a Mockingbird”?
(A) F.Scott Fitzgerald
(B) Harper Lee
(C) J.K. Rowling
(D) Ernest Hemingway

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Answer – (B)

40. In Daniel Defoe’s Robinson Crusoe, the protagonist is shipwrecked and reaches on the shore of an island which he calls the Island of…………….
(A) Despondency
(B) Misery
(C) Despair
(D) Misfortune

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Answer – (C)

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