NCERT Solutions Class 8 Social Science (History : Our Past III) Chapter 10 India after Independence

NCERT Solutions Class 8 Social Science (History: Our Past III)

The NCERT Solutions in English Language for Class 8 Social Science (History : Our Past III) Chapter – 10 (India after Independence) has been provided here to help the students in solving the questions from this exercise.

History (Our Pasts – III)

Chapter – 10 (India after Independence)

Let’s Recall

1. Name three problems that the newly independent nation of India faced.

Answer – Three problems that the newly independent nation of India faced are:

  • The newly independent countries had to think for rehabilitation of refugees.
  • They had to pursue the princely states to join the country.
  • And a new political system had to be adopted which could satisfy hopes and aspirations of the people.

2. What was the role of the Planning Commission?

Answer – Planning Commission was set up by the government to help in designing and execution of suitable policies for the country.

3. Fill in the blanks:

(a) Subjects that were placed on the Union List were _________, _________ and _________.
(b) Subjects on the Concurrent List were _________ and _________.
(c) Economic planning by which both the state and the private sector played a role in development was called a _________ _________ model.
(d) The death of _________ sparked off such violent protests that the government was forced to give in to the demand for the linguistic state of Andhra.

Answer –

(a) Subjects that were placed on the Union List were taxesdefence and foreign affairs.
(b) Subjects on the Concurrent List were forest and agriculture.
(c) Economic planning by which both the state and the private sector played a role in developing what was called a mixed economy model.
(d) The death of Potti Sriramulu sparked off such violent protests, that the government was forced to give in to the demand for the linguistic state of Andhra.

4. State whether true or false:
(a) At independence, the majority of Indians lived in villages.
(b) The Constituent Assembly was made up of members of the Congress party.
(c) In the first national election, only men were allowed to vote.
(d) The Second Five Year Plan focused on the development of the heavy industry.

Answer –

(a) At independence, the majority of Indians lived in villages. (True)
(b) The Constituent Assembly was made up of members of the Congress party. (False)
(c) In the first national election, only men were allowed to vote. (False)
(d) The Second Five Year Plan focused on the development of the heavy industry. (True)

Let’s discuss

5. What did Dr Ambedkar mean when he said that “In politics, we will have equality, and in social and economic life we will have inequality”?

Answer – B.R. Ambedkar wanted to say was that providing voting right to the lower caste people would not remove other inequalities such as between rich and poor, or between upper castes and lower castes. These classes of people could be labelled equal only politically but in reality it could not be possible due to our social and economic structure.

6. After Independence, why was there a reluctance to divide the country on linguistic lines?

Answer – Both Prime Minister Nehru and Deputy Prime Minister Vallabhbhai Patel were against the creation of linguistic states. After the Partition, Nehru said, “disruptionist tendencies had come to the fore”; to check them, the nation had to be strong and united. India had already been divided on the basis of religion: despite the wishes and efforts of Mahatma Gandhi, freedom had come not to one nation but to two.

7. Give one reason why English continued to be used in India after Independence.

Answer – People from South Indian states were against imposition of Hindi language. In the Constituent Assembly, T.T. Krishnamachari warned on the behalf of people from South to separate from India. Therefore, they agreed to use English language in official works in the courts, services and for communication between the states.

8. How was the economic development of India visualised in the early decades after Independence?

Answer – In our country mixed economy model was adopted. Both, the state and the private sector would play important role in the development of the country. Planning Commission was set up to help in formulating and executing suitable policies for the development. For this they formulated Five Year Plan. The First Five Year Plan was formulated in 1951 whose basic objective was agricultural development and self sufficiency in food. The Second Five Year Plan was formulated in 1956 with objective of development of heavy and basic industries and construction of large dams.


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