NCERT Solutions Class 7 Social Science (History) Chapter 5 Rulers And Buildings

NCERT Solutions Class 7 Social Science (History) 

The NCERT Solutions in English Language for Class 7 Social Science (History) Chapter – 5 (Rulers And Buildings) has been provided here to help the students in solving the questions from this exercise. 

Chapter – 5 (Rulers And Buildings)

Let’s Recall 

1. How is the “trabeate” principle of architecture different from the “arcuate”?
Answer – In the “trabeate” principle of architecture, roofs, doors and windows were made by placing a horizontal beam across two vertical columns. On the other hand, in the “arcuate” principle of architecture, the weight of the superstructure above the doors and windows was carried by arches.

2. What is a shikhara?
Answer – It refers to the rising roof of a Hindu temple. In north India it is called shikhara and in the south it is called gopuram.

3. What is pietra-dura?
Answer – Pietra dura is a term for the inlay technique of using cut and fitted, highly polished colored stones to create images. In south Asia it is known as parchin kari.

4. What are the elements of a Mughal chahar bagh garden?
Answer – Mughal Chahar bagh consists of four gardens. These gardens are placed within rectangular walled enclosures and divided into four quarters by artificial channels.

Let’s Understand 

5. How did a temple communicate the importance of a king?
Answer – They gave the kings a chance to proclaim their close relationship with God, which was more important during the period of rapid political change.

6. An inscription in Shah Jahan’s diwan-i khas in Delhi stated: “If there is Paradise on Earth, it is here, it is here, it is here.” How was this image created?
Answer – It was created by fusing different elements of Mughal architecture in a grand harmonious synthesis. It required careful planning. It was placed within a large courtyard.

7. How did the Mughal court suggest that everyone – the rich and the poor, the powerful and the weak – received justice equally from the emperor?
Answer – This was done by using a series of pietra dura inlays in his throne, that depicted the legendary Greek God Orpheus playing the lute. It was believed that the music of Orpheus would calm even the beasts and ensure coexistence and harmony. His hall was constructed in a way to ensure equality and justice to all.

8. What role did the Yamuna play in the layout of the new Mughal city at Shahjahanabad?
Answer – The imperial palace commanded the river front in the new city of Shahjahanabad that he constructed in Delhi. Only specially favoured nobles like his eldest son Dara Shikoh had access to the river. All others had to construct their homes in the city away from the Yamuna River.

Let’s Discuss 

9. The rich and powerful construct large houses today. In what ways were the constructions of kings and their courtiers different in the past?
Answer – The constructions of kings and their courtiers were different in the past in the following ways:

  • Safety and security was a major consideration.
  • Diwan-i am was constructed for the general public.
  • The constructions were carried out on uplands and surrounded by water bodies.

10. Look at Figure 4. How could that building be constructed faster today?
Answer – Such buildings were usually constructed as a matter of pride in old days. It was very difficult to construct them but they were made possible with the help of skilled masons and labourers. Such buildings took a very long time and a number of labourers to be constructed. But now as technologies have advanced, we have many facilities, equipment, tools which can construct huge buildings very easily and in less time.

Let’s Do

11. Find out whether there is a statue of or a memorial to a great person in your village or town. Why was it placed there? What purpose does it serve?
Answer –
There is a very busy chowk in my village. We find there a statue of Subhash Chandra Bose and hence this chowk is known as Subhash Chowk. Subhash Chandra Bose was such a great person that he dared to challenge the British empire by forming his own army. He is now no more but his statue is there to inspire us. Its purpose is to encourage the youth to do something different and challenging.

12. Visit and describe any park or garden in your neighbourhood. In what ways is it similar to or different from the gardens of the Mughals?
Answer – The gardens of Mughals gardens were spread over a very large area. There was a large variety of flowers. They were well-decorated and protected. But the garden in my neighbourhood is not so large. Everyone has easy access to this garden. So the flowers are not safe. Thus, we don’t find any similarities.


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