NCERT Solutions Class 7 Social Science (History) Chapter 10 Eighteenth-Century Political Formations

NCERT Solutions Class 7 Social Science (History) 

The NCERT Solutions in English Language for Class 7 Social Science (History) Chapter – 10 (Eighteenth-Century Political Formations) has been provided here to help the students in solving the questions from this exercise. 

Chapter – 10 (Eighteenth-Century Political Formations)

Let’s Recall 

1. Match the following:

Subadar a revenue farmer
Faujdar a high noble
Ijaradar provincial governor
Misl Maratha peasant warriors
Chauth a Mughal military commander
Kunbis a band of Sikh warriors
Umara tax levied by the Marathas

Answer –

Subadar provincial governor
Faujdar a Mughal military commander
Ijaradar a revenue farmer
Misl a band of Sikh warriors
Chauth tax levied by the Marathas
Kunbis Maratha peasant warriors
Umara a high noble

2. Fill in the blanks:
(a) Aurangzeb fought a protracted war in the ________.
(b) Umara and jagirdars constituted powerful sections of the Mughal ________.
(c) Asaf Jah founded the Hyderabad state in ________.
(d) The founder of the Awadh state was ________.

Answer –
(a) Aurangzeb fought a protracted war in the Deccan.
(b) Umara and jagirdars constituted powerful sections of the Mughal administration.
(c) Asaf Jah founded the Hyderabad state in 1724.
(d) The founder of the Awadh state was Burhan-ul-mulk-Sa’adat Khan.

3. State whether true or false:
(a) Nadir Shah invaded Bengal.
(b) Sawai Raja Jai Singh was the ruler of Indore.
(c) Guru Gobind Singh was the tenth Guru of the Sikhs.
(d) Poona became the capital of the Marathas in the eighteenth century.

Answer –
(a) Nadir Shah invaded Bengal. (False)
(b) Sawai Raja Jai Singh was the ruler of Indore. (False)
(c) Guru Gobind Singh was the tenth Guru of the Sikhs. (True)
(d) Poona became the capital of the Marathas in the eighteenth century.

4. What were the offices held by Sa’adat Khan?
Answer – The offices held by Sa’adat Khan were subadari, faujdari and diwani.

Let’s Discuss 

5. Why did the Nawabs of Awadh and Bengal try to do away with the jagirdari system?
Answer – The Ncuvabs of Awadh and Bengal tried to do away with the jagirdari system in order to reduce the influence of the Mughals in their states.

6. How were the Sikhs organised in the eighteenth century?
Answer – In the eighteenth century, the Sikhs organized themselves into a number of bands called jathas, and later misls. Their combined forces were known as the grand army (dal khalsa).

7. Why did the Marathas want to expand beyond the Deccan?
Answer – Marathas wanted to establish their r unquestioned rule over the subcontinent. They also earned untold booty and resources from the wars they fought. Therefore, they wanted to expand beyond Deccan.

8. What were the policies adopted by Asaf Jah to strengthen his position?
Answer – To strengthen his position Asaf Jah brought skilled soldiers and administrators from northern India. He also appointed mansabdars and granted jagirs.

9. Do you think merchants and bankers today have the kind of influence they had in the eighteenth century?
Answer – Yes, merchants and bankers today have the kind of influence they had in the eighteenth century. We can mention the example of Reliance India Company. The company has entered into the electricity distribution in Delhi. It has installed new electric meters. These electric meters run much faster than the previous meters enhancing the problems of the common man. The state government pays no attention towards it.

10. Did any of the Kingdoms mentioned in this chapter develop in your state? If so, in what ways do you think life in the state would have been different in the eighteenth century from what, it is in the twenty-first century?
Answer – One example:

  • Hyderabad (now in Andhra Pradesh)
  • Now democracy,
  • No dictatorship

Let’s Do

11.  Find out more about the architecture and culture associated with the new courts of any of the following Awadh, Bengal, or Hyderabad.
Answer –  Awadh, Bengal or Hyderabad.

Awadh Bengal Hyderabad
Architecture No trace No trace No trace is seen
Culture Consolidation of power through making the power strong. Decentralisation of revenue collection. New social growth emerged. Considerable change in zamindari system. Close collection between state and bankers Welfare of the people in the mind

12. Collect popular tales about—rulers from any one of the following groups of people: the Rajputs, Jots, Sikhs, or Marathas.
Answer – 

  • Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj was born as a peasant boy and turned around his destiny to become of the greatest Hindu kings in India and a hero for the Marathas. Shivaji’s origin story shows how he is so much more than just an anti-Muslim warrior.
  • Despite having died 300 years ago- on February 19, 1627, Shivaji’s name and presence are continually felt around India, and especially in Maharashtra.chatrapati Shivaji was one of the bravest, most progressive and sensible rulers of India.
  • Shivaji established a royal name for himself in history with his administrative skills by upholding the Swarajya values and the Maratha heritage.
  • He was known for his bravery and tactics with which he won numerous wars against the Mughals. Known as the Father of Indian Navy, Shivaji was the first to realise the importance of having a naval force, and therefore he strategically established a navy and forts at the coastline to defend the Konkan side of Maharashtra.
  • The Jaigad, Vijaydurg, Sindhudurg and other such forts still stand to testify his efforts and ideas. Shivaji was a dependable supporter of women and their honour.
  • He opposed all kinds of violence, harassment and dishonour against women. Anyone under his rule caught violating woman’s rights was severely punished. In fact, women of captured territories were also released unharmed, and with integrity.
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