NCERT Solutions Class 6 Social Science (History) Chapter 9 Traders, Kings, and Pilgrims

NCERT Solutions Class 6 Social Science (History)

The NCERT Solutions in English Language for Class 6 Social Science (History) Chapter – 9 (Traders, Kings, and Pilgrims) has been provided here to help the students in solving the questions from this exercise.

Chapter – 9 (Traders, Kings, and Pilgrims)

Let’s Recall

1. Match the following

Muvendar Mahayana Buddhism
Lords of the dakshinapatha Buddhacharita
Ashvagosha Satavahana rulers
Bodhisattvas Chinese pilgrim
Xuan Zhang Cholas, Cheras and Pandyas

Answer – 

Muvendar Cholas, Cheras and Pandyas
Lords of the dakshinapatha Satavahana rulers
Ashvagosha Buddhacharita
Bodhisattvas Mahayana Buddhism
Xuan Zhang Chinese pilgrim

2. Why did kings want to control the Silk Route?

Answer – Kings wanted to control the Silk Route because they could benefit from taxes, tributes and gifts that were brought by traders and the people along the route.

3. What kinds of evidence do historians use to find out about trade and trade routes?

Answer – The discovery of coins is one of the most dominant evidences helps hisotrians to find out the trade relation of India with outer world and India’s flourishing trade.

4. What were the main features of Bhakti

Answer – The main features of bhakti are:
1. A loving relationship between a devotee and his personal god.
2. Bhakti emphasised devotion and individual worship of a god or goodess rather than performance of elaborate sacrifices.
3. Discarding of any discrimination based on gender, caste or creed.
4. If a devotee worships the chosen deity with a pure heart, the deity will appear in the form in which he or she may desire.

Let’s Discuss

5. Discuss the reasons why the Chinese pilgrims came to India.

Answer – The Chinese pilgrims (Fa-Xian, Xuan Zang and I-Qing) came to India to visit places associated with the life and teachings of the Buddha as well as famous monasteries. They had in Buddhist religious books also. They carried some books back with them.

6. Why do you think ordinary people were attracted to Bhakti?

Answer – The ordinary people were attracted towards bhakti because of following reasons:
1. The preachers of bhakti preached in local languages.
2. They emphasised on simple ways for salvation.
3. They discarded caste, creeed, colour and gender based bias.

NCERT Class 6 – History (Our Pasts – I)

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