NCERT Solutions Class 10 Social Science (Geography) Chapter 5 (Minerals and Energy Resources)

NCERT Solutions Class 10 Social Science
Contemporary India II (Geography) 

The NCERT Solutions in English Language for Class 10 Social Science Contemporary India II (Geography) Chapter – 5 (Minerals and Energy Resources) has been provided here to help the students in solving the questions from this exercise. 

Chapter – 5 (Minerals and Energy Resources) 


1. Multiple choice questions.

(i) Which one of the following minerals are formed by the decomposition of rocks, leaving a residual mass of weathered material?
(a) Coal
(b) Bauxite
(c) Gold
(d) Zinc
Answer – (b) Bauxite

(ii) Koderma, in Jharkhand, is the leading producer of which one of the following minerals?
(a) Bauxite
(b) Mica
(c) Iron Ore
(d) Copper
Answer – (b) Mica

(iii) Minerals are deposited and accumulated in the strata of which of the following rocks?
(a) Sedimentary Rocks
(b) Metamorphic Rocks
(c) Igneous Rocks
(d) None of the above
Answer – (a) Sedimentary Rocks

(iv) Which one of the following minerals is contained in the Monazite sand?
(a) Oil
(b) Uranium
(c) Thorium
(d) Coal
Answer – (c) Thorium

2. Answer the following questions in about 30 words.

(i) Distinguish between the following in not more than 30 words.
Ferrous and non-ferrous minerals
Answer –
Ferrous minerals are metallic minerals containing iron. For e.g., iron ore, manganese, nickel, cobalt, etc.
While non-ferrous minerals are also metallic, they do not contain iron. For e.g., gold, copper, zinc, etc.

(b) Conventional and non-conventional sources of energy
Answer – Conventional sources of energy include firewood, cattle dung cake, coal, petroleum, natural gas and electricity (both hydel and thermal).
While non-conventional sources of energy are solar, wind, tidal, geothermal, biogas and atomic energy.

(ii) What is a mineral?
Answer – Minerals can be defined as homogenous, naturally occurring substances with a definable internal structure. Minerals are found in varied forms in nature, ranging from the hardest diamond to the softest talc.

(iii) How are minerals formed in igneous and metamorphic rocks?
Answer – In igneous and metamorphic rocks, minerals can occur in the cracks, crevices, faults or joints. The smaller deposits are called veins, and the larger ones are called lodes.

(iv) Why do we need to conserve mineral resources?
Answer – Mineral resources need to be conserved because they are limited. It takes billions of years for them to be replenished in nature. Continued extraction of ores leads to increasing costs of extraction and a decrease in quality as well as quantity.

3. Answer the following questions in about 120 words.

(i) Describe the distribution of coal in India
Answer – The distribution of coal in India is more abundant on the eastern side of the country. In India, coal occurs in rock series of two main geological ages—Gondwana and tertiary. While Gondwana coal is about 200 million years old, tertiary deposits are approximately 55 million years old. The major resources of Gondwana (metallurgical) coal are located in the Damodar valley (West Bengal, Jharkhand), Jharia, Raniganj and Bokaro. The Godavari, Mahandi, Son and Wardha valleys also contain coal deposits. Tertiary coals occur in the north-eastern states of Meghalaya, Assam, Arunachal Pradesh and Nagaland.

(ii) Why do you think that solar energy has a bright future in India?
Answer – Being a tropical country, India has an abundance of sunlight. Hence, there are huge possibilities of tapping solar energy. Solar energy is a non-conventional source of energy, but it is gaining popularity in rural and remote areas whose households’ dependence on firewood and dung cakes is reduced as a result. This in turn helps in conserving environment and ensuring an adequate supply of manure in agriculture.

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