NCERT Solutions Class 10 (Science) Chapter 16 (Sustainable Management of Natural Resources)

NCERT Solutions Class 10 Science 

The NCERT Solutions in English Language for Class 10 Science Chapter – 16 (Sustainable Management of Natural Resources) has been provided here to help the students in solving the questions from this exercise. 

Chapter – 16 (Sustainable Management of Natural Resources) 


1. What changes would you make in your habits to become environment friendly ?
Answer –

  • Plant one tree on every birthday.
  • Stop using polythene bags.
  • Switch off unnecessary lights and fans.
  • Take bus instead of personal vehicles.
  • Use CFL in place of bulbs.

2. What would be advantages of exploiting resources with short term aims ?
Answer – 

  • All the commodities for use and comforts for human society will become available in plenty.
  • There will be rapid industrialisation and development.

3. How would these advantages differ from the advantages of using a long term prospective in managing our resources ?
Answer –

Short Term Aims Long Term Aims
1. All the commodities become available in plenty. 1. Availability of various commodities is restricted.
2. There is a tendency to manufacture articles of larger size. 2. There is a tendency to manufacture articles of smaller size.
3. The mentality is of use and throw. 3. The mentality is reuse, recycle and replace.
4. The resources are likely to get exhausted soon. 4. The resources are likely to remain available for a long time.
5. The ecology is disturbed and harmed. 5. It is eco-friendly.

4. Why do you think there should be equitable distribution of resources ? What forces would be working against an equitable distribution of our resources ?
Answer – Natural resources are given to us given nature. All the individuals have equal right on these resources like air and water. Industrialists and some other rich persons are who are in power wants to grab all the resources. It is this section which is working against equitable distribution of energy.


1. Why should we conserve forests and wildlife ?
Answer – We should conserve forests and wildlife to preserve the biodiversity (range of different life-forms) so as to avoid the loss of ecological stability. A large number of tribes are the habitants in and around the forests. If the forests are not conserved, then it may affect these habitants. Without proper management of forest and wildlife, the quality of soil, the water sources, and even the amount of rainfall may be affected. Without forest and wildlife, life would become impossible for human beings.

2. Suggest some approaches towards the conservation of forests.
Answer – Some approaches towards the conservation of forests are as follows:
(a) People should show their participation in saving the forest by protesting against the cutting of trees. For example, Chipko Andolan
(b) Planting of trees should be increased. Rate of afforestation must be more than that of deforestation.

(c) Some people cut precious trees such as Chandan to earn money. Government should take legal steps to catch these wood smugglers.
(d) Habitants of forests must not be bothered by the forest officials. Otherwise, this would result in the clash between tribal people and the government officials, thereby enhancing the naxal activities in forests.


1. Find out about traditional systems of water harvesting / management in your region.
Answer – Ponds, pools, tanks, lakes, ditches and wetlands. They get filled up during rain. Larger reservoirs are perennial. The smaller ones dry up after a few months. However, both help in recharge of ground water.

2. Compare the above system with the probable system in hilly/mountainous areas or plains or plateau regions.
Answer –  In plains, the water harvesting structures are crescent-shaped earthen embankments. These are low, straight, and concrete. In hilly regions, the system of canal irrigation called Kulhs is used for water harvesting. This involves a collection of rainwater in a stream, which is then diverted into man made channels down the hillsides.

3. Find out the source of water in your region!locality. Is water from this source available to all people living in that area ?
Answer – Water is supplied by municipal corporation through pipes. It is obtained from river/canal (if the same happens to be nearby). In many cases piped water is pumped out from ground by tube wells and stored in raised water tanks.
Municipal water supply is not available to all the residents. Many newly built colonies, slums and unauthorised localities are often without the piped water.



1. What changes would you suggest in your home in order to be environment friendly ?
Answer – Changes that can be undertaken in our homes to be environment-friendly are listed below :

  • Judicious use of electricity by switching off lights and electrical appliances not required,
  • Replacement of incandescent bulbs with fluorescent, compact fluorescent ones and LED bulbs.
  • Replacement of electricity or gas operated geysers with solar water heaters,
  • Replacement of electricity generating sets with solar light,
  • Having more natural light and ventilation with design supporting warming during winters and cooling during summer,
  • Reducing wastage of water, food and other articles.
  • Separation of recyclable waste from non-cyclable waste prior to disposal.
  • Increasing reuse of containers,
  • Using cloth bags instead of polythene, plastic or paper bags.

2. Can you suggest some changes in your school which would make it environment friendly ?
Answer – Changes that can be undertaken in our schools to make it environment friendly are listed below:

  • Electricity can be saved by switching off lights and fans when not required.
  • Turn the taps off when not in use.
  • Biodegradable and non-biodegradable wastes should be thrown into separate bins.

3. There are four main stakeholders when it comes to forests and wildlife. Which among these should have the authority to decide the management offorest produce ? Why do you think so ?
Answer – The four stakeholders in forests and wildlife are

  1. People living in and around forests who obtain most of their requirements from forests,
  2. Forest department which owns the forests.
  3. Industrialists who obtain raw materials for their industries,
  4. Wildlife and nature enthusiasts. Among them the persons living in and around the forests have traditional knowledge of how best the forests can be managed so that a sustainable yield can be obtained indefinitely. Therefore, authority for management of forest produce should be handed over to them. However, the forest department must monitor the same so that there is no excessive exploitation.

4. How can you as an individual contribute or make a difference to the management of
(a) Forests and wildlife
(b) Water resources
(c) Coal and petroleum ?
Answer – 
(a) Forests and Wildlife:

  • We should protest against the cutting of trees (deforestation).
  • We should protest against the poaching of wild animals.
  • We should stop the annexation of forest land for our use.

(b) Water Resources.

  • Turn the taps off while brushing or bathing and repair leaking taps.
  • We should practice rainwater harvesting.
  • We should avoid the discharge of sewage and other wastes into rivers and other water resources.

(c) Coal and Petroleum:

  • Higher level of purification to reduce pollution,
  • Increased use of solar energy,
  • More investment to commercialise hydrogen powered transport system.

5. What can you, as an individual, do to reduce your consumption of various natural resources ?
Answer –  Natural resources such as water, forests, coal and petroleum, etc. are important for the survival of human beings. The ways in which we can reduce the consumption of various natural resources are as follows:

  • We should stop the cutting of trees (deforestation).
  • We should use recycled paper to reduce the cutting down of trees.
  • We should not waste water.
  • We should practice rainwater harvesting.
  • We should practice car pooling to avoid the excessive use of petroleum.
  • We should use alternative sources of energy such as hydro-energy and solar energy.

6. List five things you have done over the last one week to
(a) Conserve our natural resources
Answer – To conserve our natural resources:

  • Travel by a CNG bus for long distances and walk for short distances.
  • Use recycled paper
  • Throw biodegradable and non-biodegradable waste into separate bins
  • Plant trees
  • Harvest rainwater

(b) Increase the pressure on our natural resources ?
Answer –  To increase the pressure on our natural resources:

  • Use non-renewable resources of energy
  • Waste water
  • Waste electricity
  • Use plastics and polythene bags for carrying goods
  • Use escalators

7. On the basis of environmental issues you studied, what changes would you incorporate in your life style in a move towards a sustainable use of our resources ?
Answer – One should incorporate the following changes in life-style in a move towards a sustainable use of our resources :

  • Stop cutting trees and practice plantation of trees.
  • Stop using plastic and polythene bags for carrying goods.
  • Use recycled paper.
  • Throw biodegradable and non-biodegradable waste into separate bins.
  • Waste minimum amount of water while using and repair leaking taps.
  • Practice rainwater harvesting.
  • Switch off electrical appliances when not in use.
  • Use fluorescent tubes in place of bulbs to save electricity.
  • Take stairs and avoid using lifts.


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