NCERT Solutions Class 10 Maths Chapter 14 Statistics Ex 14.2

NCERT Solutions Class 10 Maths 
Chapter – 14 (Statistics) 

The NCERT Solutions in English Language for Class 10 Mathematics Chapter – 14 Statistics Exercise 14.2 has been provided here to help the students in solving the questions from this exercise. 

Chapter : 14 Statistics

Exercise – 14.2

1. The following table shows the ages of the patients admitted to a hospital during a year:

Age (in years) 5-15 15-25 25-35 35-45 45-55 55-65
Number of patients 6 11 21 23 14 5

Find the mode and the mean of the data given above. Compare and interpret the two measures of central tendency.

Solution – To find out the modal class, let us the consider the class interval with high frequency.
Here, the greatest frequency = 23, so the modal class = 35 – 45,
Lower limit of modal class = l = 35,
class width (h) = 10,
fm = 23,
f1 = 21 and f2 = 14
The formula to find the mode is
Mode = l + [(f– f1)/(2f– f– f2)] × h
Mode = 35 + [(23 – 21)/(46 – 21 – 14)]×10
= 35 + (20/11)
= 35 + 1.8
= 36.8 years
So the mode of the given data = 36.8 years
Calculation of Mean : First find the midpoint using the formula,
x= (upper limit + lower limit)/2

Class Interval Frequency (fi) Mid-point (xi) fixi
5-15 6 10 60
15-25 11 20 220
25-35 21 30 630
35-45 23 40 920
45-55 14 50 700
55-65 5 60 300
Sum fi = 80 Sum fixi = 2830

The mean formula is
Mean = x̄ = ∑fixi / ∑fi
= 2830/80
= 35.375 years
Therefore, the mean of the given data = 35.375 years

2. The following data gives the information on the observed lifetimes (in hours) of 225 electrical components:

Lifetime (in hours) 0-20 20-40 40-60 60-80 80-100 100-120
Frequency 10 35 52 61 38 29

Determine the modal lifetimes of the components.
Solution – From the given data the modal class is 60–80.
Lower limit of modal class = l = 60,
The frequencies are:
fm = 61,
f1 = 52,
f2 = 38
h = 20
The formula to find the mode is
Mode = l+ [(f– f1)/(2f– f– f2)] × h
Mode = 60 + [(61 – 52)/ (122 – 52 – 38)] × 20
Mode = 60 + [(9 × 20)/32]
Mode = 60 + (45/8) = 60 + 5.625
Therefore, modal lifetime of the components = 65.625 hours.

3. The following data gives the distribution of total monthly household expenditure of 200 families of a village. Find the modal monthly expenditure of the families. Also, find the mean monthly expenditure:

Expenditure (in Rs.) Number of families
1000-1500 24
1500-2000 40
2000-2500 33
2500-3000 28
3000-3500 30
3500-4000 22
4000-4500 16
4500-5000 7

Solution –  Given data:
Modal class = 1500 – 2000,
l = 1500,
fm = 40,
f1 = 24,
f2 = 33,
h = 500
Mode formula :
Mode = l + [(f– f1)/ (2f– f– f2)] × h
Mode = 1500 + [(40 – 24)/ (80 – 24 – 33)] × 500
Mode = 1500 + [(16 × 500)/23]
Mode = 1500 + (8000/23) = 1500 + 347.83
Therefore, modal monthly expenditure of the families = Rupees 1847.83
Calculation for mean : First find the midpoint using the formula,
x=(upper limit + lower limit)/2
Let us assume a mean, (a) be 2750.

Class Interval fi xi di = xi – a ui = di/h fiui
1000-1500 24 1250 -1500 -3 -72
1500-2000 40 1750 -1000 -2 -80
2000-2500 33 2250 -500 -1 -33
2500-3000 28 2750 = a 0 0 0
3000-3500 30 3250 500 1 30
3500-4000 22 3750 1000 2 44
4000-4500 16 4250 1500 3 48
4500-5000 7 4750 2000 4 28
fi = 200 fiui = -35

The formula to calculate the mean,
Mean = x̄ = a +(∑fiui /∑fi) × h
= 2750 + (-35/200) × 500
= 2750 – 87.50
= 2662.50
So, the mean monthly expenditure of the families = Rs. 2662.50

4. The following distribution gives the state-wise teacher-student ratio in higher secondary schools of India. Find the mode and mean of this data. Interpret the two measures

No of students per teacher Number of states / U.T
15-20 3
20-25 8
25-30 9
30-35 10
35-40 3
40-45 0
45-50 0
50-55 2

Solution –  Given data:
Modal class = 30 – 35,
l = 30,
Class width (h) = 5,
fm = 10,
f1 = 9
f2 = 3
Mode Formula:
Mode = l + [(f– f1)/ (2f– f– f2)] × h
Mode = 30 + [(10 – 9)/ (20 – 9 – 3)] × 5
= 30 + (5/8)
= 30 + 0.625
= 30.625
Therefore, the mode of the given data = 30.625
Calculation of mean : Find the midpoint using the formula,
x=(upper limit + lower limit)/2

Class Interval Frequency (fi) Mid-point (xi) fixi
15-20 3 17.5 52.5
20-25 8 22.5 180.0
25-30 9 27.5 247.5
30-35 10 32.5 325.0
35-40 3 37.5 112.5
40-45 0 42.5 0
45-50 0 47.5 0
50-55 2 52.5 105.0
Sum fi = 35 Sum fixi = 1022.5

Mean = x̄ = ∑fixi /∑fi
= 1022.5/35
= 29.2 (approx)
Therefore, mean = 29.2

5. The given distribution shows the number of runs scored by some top batsmen of the world in one- day international cricket matches.

Run Scored Number of Batsman
3000-4000 4
4000-5000 18
5000-6000 9
6000-7000 7
7000-8000 6
8000-9000 3
9000-10000 1
10000-11000 1

Find the mode of the data.

Solution –  Given data :
Modal class = 4000 – 5000,
l = 4000,
class width (h) = 1000,
fm = 18,
f1 = 4
f2 = 9
Mode Formula:
Mode = l + [(f– f1)/ (2f– f– f2)] × h
Mode = 4000 + [(18 – 4)/ (36 – 4 – 9)] × 1000
= 4000 + (14000/23)
= 4000 + 608.695
= 4608.695
= 4608.7 (approximately)
Thus, the mode of the given data is 4608.7 runs.

6. A student noted the number of cars passing through a spot on a road for 100 periods each of 3 minutes and summarized it in the table given below. Find the mode of the data:

Number of cars Frequency
0-10 7
10-20 14
20-30 13
30-40 12
40-50 20
50-60 11
60-70 15
70-80 8

Solution –  Given Data :
Modal class = 40 – 50,
l = 40,
Class width (h) = 10,
fm = 20,
f1 = 12
f2 = 11
Mode = l + [(f– f1)/(2f– f– f2)] × h
Mode = 40 + [(20 – 12)/ (40 – 12 – 11)] × 10
= 40 + (80/17)
= 40 + 4.7
= 44.7
Thus, the mode of the given data is 44.7 cars.

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