NCERT Solutions Class 7 Social Science (Geography)
The NCERT Solutions in English Language for Class 7 Social Science (Geography – Our Environment) Chapter – 7 (Human Environment- Settlement, Transport and Communication) has been provided here to help the students in solving the questions from this exercise.
Chapter – 7 (Human Environment- Settlement, Transport and Communication)
1. Answer the following questions.
(i) What are the four means of transport?
Answer – The four means of transport are as follows: –
1. Roadways
2. Railways
3. Waterways
4. Airways
(ii) What do you understand by the term ‘settlement’?
Answer – Settlements are places where people build their homes. For example, cities and villages are some examples where people live and build their homes.
(iii) Which are the activities practiced by the rural people?
Answer – Activities like agriculture, fishing, forestry, crafts work, trading, etc are practised by the rural people.
(iv) Mention any two merits of railways.
Answer – Two merits of railways are :
1. They carry people over long distances quickly and cheaply.
2. They carry heavy goods in bulk.
(v) What do you understand by communication?
Answer – Communication is a process by which we convey our messages to other.
(vi) What is mass media?
Answer – Newspapers, radio and television are called mass media because we can communicate with a large number of people through them.
2. Tick the correct answer.
(i) Which is NOT a means of communication?
(a) telephone
(b) books
(c) table
Answer – (c) table
(ii) Which type of road is constructed under the ground?
(a) fly over
(b) expressways
(c) subways
Answer – (c) subways
(iii) Which mode of transport is most suitable to reach an island?
(a) ship
(b) train
(c) car
Answer – (a) ship
(iv) Which vehicle does not pollute the environment?
(a) cycle
(b) bus
(c) aeroplane
Answer – (a) cycle
3. Match the following.
(i) Internet | (a) areas where people are engaged in manufacturing, trade and services |
(ii) Canal route | (b) closely built area of houses |
(iii) Urban areas | (c) houses on stilts |
(iv) Compact settlement | (d) inland waterway |
(e) a means of communication |
Answer –
(i) Internet | (e) a means of communication |
(ii) Canal route | (d) inland waterway |
(iii) Urban areas | (a) areas where people are engaged in manufacturing, trade and services |
(iv) Compact settlement | (b) closely built area of houses |
4. Give reasons.
(i) Today’s world is shrinking.
Answer – Today’s world is shrinking because of the following reasons :-
1. Advancement in technology.
2. Improvement in means of communication.
3. Its easy to reach far off places with in hours.
4. We can communicate people through cell phones, emails, social media, etc.