21. With the passing of the Indian Independence Act 1947 India became a Dominion and the Dominion Legislature made laws from 1947 to 1949 under provisions of which section the of the Government of India Act 1935?
(A) Section 100
(B) Section 101
(C) Section 135
(D) Section 130
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22. A person who is not a member of Parliament can be appointed as Minister by the President for a maximum period of how many months?
(A) 3 months
(B) 6 months
(C) 9 months
(D) 12 months
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23. Name the high court that has jurisdiction over the Union Territory of the
(A) The Calcutta High Court Andaman and Nicobar Islands.
(B) The Delhi High Court
(C) The Madras High Court
(D) The Andhra Pradesh High Court
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24. When 73rd and 74th Constitutional amendments were passed by the Parliament of India for the existence of Panchayati Raj Institutions ?
(A) October, 1973
(B) November, 1952
(C) December, 1992
(D) December, 1973
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25. Which among the following acts/bills were proposed by the Motilal Nehru Committee in the year 1928 ?
(A) Ilbert Bill
(B) Bill of rights
(C) Criminal Tribes Act
(D) Sindh Land Aviation Bill
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26. Which one of the following is correct regarding larynx ?
(A) It houses the vocal cords.
(B) It is a bony box.
(C) It prevents the invading pathogens into the trachea.
(D) It is an organ made of cartilage and connects the pharynx to the trachea.
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27. Milk of Magnesia is which type of colloid?
(A) Solid Sol
(B) Sol
(C) Aerosol
(D) Emulsion
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28. Which of the following organic compound coagulates the protoplasm in the human body ?
(A) Methanoic Acid
(B) Ethanol
(C) Methanal
(D) Propanone
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29. Which of the following is the only Dwarf planet located in the inner Solar System?
(A) Makemake
(B) Ceres
(C) Pluto
(D) Haumea
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30. Which of the following acids is present in the stinging hair of nettle leaves?
(A) Methanoic Acid
(B) Ethanoic Acid
(C) Oxalic Acid
(D) Ascorbic Acid
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31. In the England-New Zealand one day match, due to rain, England needed 324 runs in 48 overs to win. In initial 10 overs, the average scoring rate was 6, but in next 10 overs it increased to 8.5. It then declined to 5.5 in next 10 overs and again rose to 7 in next 10 overs. To win the match now what average is needed?
(A) 8.25
(B) 6.75
(C) 7.75
(D) None of these
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32. Which of the following is in descending order?
(A) 5/8; 9/13; 11/17
(B) 5/8; 11/17; 9/13
(C) 9/13; 11/17; ⅝
(D) 11/17; 9/13; ⅝
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33. 0.081/0.0064 × 0.484/6.25 × 2.5/21.1 Square root of is:
(A) 0.45
(B) 0.34
(C) 0.75
(D) 0.55
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34. The value of (8-1 – 9-1)-1 ÷ (4-1 – 9-1)-1 is:
(A) 20
(B) 25
(C) 15
(D) 10
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35. Divya spends 24% of her monthly salary on food and 15% on the education of her children. Of the remaining salary, she spends 25% on entertainment and 20% on conveyance. She is now left with ₹10,736. What is the monthly salary of Divya ?
(A) ₹32,000
(B) ₹30,200
(C) ₹30,000
(D) ₹32,500
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36. निम्नलिखित में से किस विकल्प में विलोम-युग्म सही नहीं है ?
(A) औचक- अकसर
(B) डाँवाँडोल – अस्थिर
(C) झिड़कना – पुचकारना
(D) ग़ाफिल – ख़बरदार
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37. ‘होनहार बिरवान के होत चिकने पात’ लोकोक्ति का अर्थ निम्न में से क्या है ?
(A) होनहार व्यक्ति सदा दिखावा करता है।
(B) होनहार व्यक्ति हमेशा दूसरों के दोष निकालता है।
(C) होनहार व्यक्ति बहुत ही परिश्रम करता है।
(D) होनहार व्यक्तियों की प्रतिभा बचपन में ही दिखाई दे जाती है।
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38. निम्नलिखित में से किस विकल्प में सभी शब्द पुल्लिंग हैं ?
(A) संचार, पालन, ग्रीवा
(B) मनुष्यत्व, बनावट, रौनक
(C) पतलून, झल्लाहट, अक्षुण्णता
(D) प्लेटफार्म, प्राधिकरण, गिरोह
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39. निम्नलिखित में से किस विकल्प में शुद्ध वाक्य है ?
(A) महादेवी छायावादी कवयित्रि है।
(B) जब भी आप आओ, मुझे मिलें।
(C) आपका दर्शन पाकर मैं धन्य हो गया ।
(D) रमा ने अपने भाई से पुस्तक पढ़ने को कहा।
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40. ‘कलम के जादूगर’ किसे कहा गया है ?
(A) मैथिलीशरण गुप्त
(B) सुमित्रानंदन पंत
(C) रामवृक्ष बेनीपुरी
(D) मुंशी प्रेमचंद
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