The ExamPillar provided a collection of important questions for various upcoming exams like SSC (Steno, JE, CGL, CHSL, CPO, MTS etc), RRB (Group D, JE, NTPC etc), State Exam (UKSSSC, UKPCS, UPSSSC, UPPCS, BPSC, BSSC, etc) etc. The team of The ExamPillar provided to Indian Polity (Election Commission) MCQ, which questions have been asked in various exams. In this Set we provide the questions 01 – 37.
Subject — Indian Polity
Topic —Election Commission
Total Question in This Set — 37
Polity (Election Commission) MCQ
1. The Chief Election Commissioner can be removed from office by
(A) Both Houses of Parliament by two-thirds majority in each House
(B) The same procedure which applies in case of removal of Supreme Court Judges
(C) The President of India in consultation with the Chief Justice of India
(D) The President on the advice of the Council of Ministers
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2. Chief Election Commissioner can be removed from his office by
(A) Chief Justice of Supreme Court
(B) The President
(C) Provision of the Cabinet
(D) 2/3 majority of the members of both the Houses of the Parliament on the basis of proven misconduct
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3. What is the tenure of the Chief Election Commissioner of India?
(A) Five years
(B) During the pleasure of the President
(C) Six years or till the age of 65 years whichever is earlier
(D) Five years or till the age of 65 years whichever is earlier
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4. The status of the Chief Election Commissioner of India is equal to the
(A) Chief Justice of India
(B) Governor of a State
(C) Speaker of Lok Sabha
(D) Auditor General of India
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5. The Chief Election Commissioner of India is appointed by
(A) Lok Sabha
(B) Prime Minister
(C) President
(D) Chief Justice
6. The Election Commissioner can be removed by the
(A) Chief Election Commissioner
(B) Prime Minister
(C) President on the recommendation of the Chief Election Commissioner
(D) Chief Justice of India
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7. Under which Article of the Indian Constitution, there is provision for the Election Commission?
(A) Article 320
(B) Article 322
(C) Article 324
(D) Article 326
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8. The Constitution of India provides for an Election Commissioner under Article
(A) 321
(B) 322
(C) 323
(D) 324
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9. Election to the Office of the President is conducted by
(A) The Speaker of the Lok Sabha
(B) The Prime Minister’s Office
(C) The Minister of Parliamentary Affairs
(D) The Election Commission of India
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10. Which one of the following functions is not related to the Election Commission?
(A) Direction and control of the preparation of the electoral rolls
(B) Conduct of all elections to the Parliament and Legislatures of every State
(C) To conducts the election of the Offices of President and Vice President
(D) To make provision with respect to elections to Legislatures
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11. Which one of the following is correct in respect of the commencement of the election process in India?
(A) The recommendation for election is made by the Government and the notification for election is issued by the Election Commission
(B) The recommendation for election is made by the Election Commission and the notification for election is issued by the Home Ministry at the Centre and Home Departments in the States
(C) The recommendation for election is made by the Election Commission and the notification for election is issued by the President and Governors of the States concerned
(D) Both the exercises of making a recommendation for election and that of issuing a notification in respect of it are done by the Election Commission
12. Which of the following is not related to Election Commission?
(A) To issue notification of election
(B) To distribute election symbols
(C) To settle the validity of elections
(D) To conduct elections peacefully
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13. While deciding any question relating the disqualification of a member of Parliament, the President shall obtain the opinion of
(A) Chief Justice of India
(B) Election Commission of India
(C) Attorney General of India
(D) Speaker of the Lok Sabha
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14. Who decides disputes regarding disqualification of Members of Parliament?
(A) The President
(B) The Concerned House
(C) The Election Commission
(D) The President in consultation with the Election Commission
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15. The decision to disqualify the person declared convict by the Court to contest the elections has been made by
(A) The Government of India
(B) The Supreme Court
(C) The Election Commission
(D) The Parliament
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16. If in an election to a State Legislative Assembly the candidate who is declared elected loses his deposit, it means that
(A) The polling was very poor
(B) The election was for a multimember constituency
(C) The elected candidate’s victory over his nearest rival was very marginal
(D) A very large number of candidates contested
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15. Voting right by the youths at the age of 18 years was exercised for the first time in the General Election of
(A) 1987
(B) 1988
(C) 1989
(D) 1990
16. The Right to Vote in India is a
(A) Fundamental Right
(B) Constitutional Right
(C) Natural Right
(D) Legal Right
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17. Which of the following is concerned with the 61st Amendment of the Indian Constitution?
(A) Emergency powers of the President
(B) Powers of the President to extend President’s Rule
(C) Lowering the age of voters
(D) Financial Emergency
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18. The Lower age limit of voters of Union and State Legislature was reduced from 21 years to 18 years by
(A) 57th Amendment, 1987
(B) 60th Amendment, 1988
(C) 61st Amendment, 1989
(D) 65th Amendment, 1990
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19. What is the total number of electors in Lok Sabha elections of 2009 in Million? (1 million = 10 Lakh)
(A) 815
(B) 613
(C) 714
(D) 903
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20. Which one of the following statements regarding Exit Poll is correct?
(A) Exit Poll is a term used to denote a post-election survey of voters regarding the candidates in whose favour they had exercised their franchise
(B) Exit Poll and Opinion Polls are one and the same
(C) Exit Poll is a device through which results of voting can be most exactly predicted
(D) Exit Poll is an administrative device made recently by the Chief Election Commissioner to prevent impersonation
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