NCERT Solutions Class 9 English (Moments) Chapter 2 (The Adventures of Toto)

NCERT Solutions Class 9 English (Moments)

The NCERT Solutions in English Language for Class 9 English (Moments) Chapter – 2 The Adventures of Toto has been provided here to help the students in solving the questions from this exercise. 

Chapter – 2 (The Adventures of Toto)

Think about it

1. How does Toto come to grandfather’s private zoo?
Answer – Grandfather bought Toto from a tonga-driver for five rupees. The tonga-driver kept the monkey tied to a feeding-trough. It looked so out of place there that grandfather decided he would add it to his private zoo.

2. “Toto was a pretty monkey.” In what sense is Toto pretty?
Answer – Toto is a pretty monkey. His bright eyes sparkle with mischief. His teeth are pearly white. He has a long tail which adds to his beauty. The author’s grandfather calls him a pretty monkey.

3. Why does grandfather take Toto to Saharanpur and how? Why does the ticket collector insist on calling Toto a dog?
Answer – Toto is a mischievous monkey. He can be managed only by his grandfather. So, he carries him to Saharanpur where he has to collect his pension. He takes Toto in a bag. The ticket collector classifies Toto as a dog because he does not qualify the category of a human and there is no other category except dog.

4. How does Toto take a bath? Where has he learnt to do this? How does Toto almost boil himself alive?
Answer – Toto takes bath in a tub of warm water. It puts its legs in the water one by one and applies soap as well. As monkeys are good at aping others, so Toto has learnt proper steps of bathing while watching the narrator doing same. 
Toto is fond of bathing with warm water. So once having tested the warmth of water in the kettle Toto sits in the kettle. Probably he is not intelligent enough to understand the risk boiling water so he pops his head up and down in the kettle. 

5. Why does the author say, “Toto was not the sort of pet we could keep for long”?
Answer – Toto is a mischievous monkey. He has been troubling all the animals in the zoo and the family. Grandfather and his family are not so rich that they can afford the frequent loss of dishes, clothes, curtains and wallpaper. So, the author says that Toto is not the sort of a pet they can keep for long.

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